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---Seth’s POV---

I didn’t talk to her the whole time she was here. She wouldn’t even look at me. I messed something up. I don’t even know what I did. Wait, DID SHE IMPRINT ON SOMEONE ALREADY? That can’t be. NO. NO. NO. NO. I tried to tell myself that wasn’t true, but I felt like it was true. My heart dropped the moment I felt like it was true.

Jared: so Jacy, why do they call you Kwoli? Kaya, Qahla? And Jolon, Kola?

Kwoli: Our dad gave us the nicknames. Kwoli means wolf, Qahla means sun, and Kola means friend, all in Quileute.

Embry: that’s really cool. I wish my named meant something.

Leah: yeah, I know what you mean. You guys want to go cliff diving?

Everyone: YEAH!

Sam: okay, but be back before the bonfire. We are going to listen to Mai’s legends tonight.

They all ran out of the house, and I just walked behind wanting to run away, as far as possible because it felt like I broke Kaya’s heart. What did I do? I need to know what I did!

Quil: Don’t worry man. She was probably just really tired you know? Give her some time. Talk to her at the bonfire.

THE BONFIRE! I thought OF COURSE. I’ll talk to her there. I’ll make sure everything is okay between us there! Thank you Quil!

We all went cliff diving on the Rez. The sun started to set. At that moment, I started to think about Qahla. Every time I’m going to look at the sun, she’s going to be on my mind. I just smiled to myself when I heard Leah come.

Leah: hey little bro. How are you holding up?

Me: I could be better, I guess. You don’t think she’s mad at me right?

Leah: I don’t think so. I think you are just overreacting. Like Quil said, just talk to her at the bonfire. Maybe she was really tired. Let her rest, then see her tonight. Okay?

Me: thanks Leah.

--My POV—

I was sound asleep on my bed because I was so exhausted. Then I felt something on me.

Kola: WAKE UP! WE’RE GOING TO THE BONFIRE! Hurry, so we don’t leave without you!

Me: okay, okay. Can you get off of me so I can change?

He got off of me and left my room. I just stayed in my position, looking at my ceiling, thinking about Seth. I really don’t want to see him tonight. What if he brings, HER. Then I started to growl as I thought of the three letters of HER. I jumped out of bed, changed into some sweat pants, and put on a gray hoodie. I started to walk downstairs and saw Jacob there with Kiona.

Me: what are you doing here?

Jacob: I’m taking you guys to the bonfire. You guys don’t know where it is. So they sent me to take you guys. *turns back to Kiona * HI THERE. HELLO BABY. HI.

He started to talk to Kiona with baby talk. I start to giggle at him and Kola comes downstairs.

Kola: JAKE! *he said in a excited voice *

Jake: hey, what’s up little man? I’m taking you guys to the bonfire. You ready?

Kola: yeah! Where’s mommy?

Jake: she’s already there. I dropped her off because she wanted to help set up with food. You guys ready?

We both nodded and headed out the door. I put Kiona in her car seat then put Kola next to her, closed the door, and sat in the front seat. He turned on the engine and drove off. I just stared outside the window, tears forming in my eyes because of the thought of Seth.

Jake: you know he likes you?

Me: who?

Jake: Seth Clearwater

Me: who cares. He’s already imprinted. And how do you know I was thinking of him?

Jake: I can read your mind Kai.

Me: but that’s impossible. Only family can read my mind.

Jake: We are somewhat cousins.

Me: hmm, never saw that coming.

Jake: neither did I. I didn’t find out till you guys left Sam’s house.

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