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---Seth’s POV---

The mention of dad just made me think of my dad. I miss you dad. I wish you were here. Mom’s always with Charlie. Leah is doing better, as for me, I’m okay. I love you dad. I wish this never happened to you. I looked up and saw Qahla who had eyes as deep as mines. She probably felt my pain because I imprinted on her.

Me: so, Kwoli, what does your name mean?

Kwoli: it means wolf in Quileute.

Me: and what does Kola mean?

Kola: *mumbles * friend in Quileute.

Me: that’s nice. I wish my name had a meaning.

We walked in silence a couple of blocks, then we finally reached her house. I was happy because I didn’t like the silence, but sad because then I wouldn’t have time with her. We went inside the house and looked who was there.

Qahla: mom, this is Seth. Seth this is my mom, Mai Hunt.

Me: Nice to meet you Mrs. Hunt.

Mrs. Hunt: Nice to meet you too honey. But please, call me Mai. Mrs. Hunt is my mother in law.

Me: sure thing.

Qahla and I walked into her brother’s room that had comics everywhere on the wall, and action figures.

Me: wow, he has a nice room.

Qahla: yeah, I helped him set everything up.

Me: looks good.

I set Kola on his bed and tucked him in.

Me: hey Qahla. It’s amazing how your family looks all alike. I mean, your brothers look like you, and you look just like your mom, beautiful.

Qahla: are you trying to hit on me mom?

I started to tense up hoping she was joking. But she gave me the what the hell look.

--My POV—

Me: I’M JUST KIDDING. Calm down. You need to stop tensing up. Want to come into my room?

Seth: sure!

And his face started beaming with that perfect smile of his. We walked into my room and I sat on my bed. He started looking at my picture frames that I had on my desk. I walked next to him while he was looking at the picture of me and my dad when I was little.

Seth: who’s this?

Me: oh, that’s my father. He died 8 months ago.

Seth: oh I’m so sorry for your loss. My dad died 8 months ago too.

Me: I’m sorry for your loss. How are you holding up?

Seth: Better than before. But I’m holding up good. How about you and your family?

Me: We are doing okay I guess. I have to be the strongest one for my little brothers but I know, I’m the weakest one. Every night I look at that picture, and I blame myself why he isn’t here anymore.

Seth: no, it can’t be your fault. My older sister, Leah, she blames herself that our dad died. But it wasn’t. It was just a misunderstanding.

Me: my mom tells me that too, but I don’t believe it one bit.

Tears started coming down my face and the next thing I knew, I was crying my eyes out again. Stop crying Kaya, Seth is here! And what if your brothers walk in? You don’t want them to see you broken. BUT I AM BROKEN. NO YOU ARE NOT. YES I AM. I started to have little fights in my head by myself. Then Seth pulls me closer and craddles me in his arms on my bed telling me it’s okay, it’s okay. Everything is alright. Let it out, I’m here, don’t worry. I stopped crying because I thought I heard my door open. I wipe my tears off my face, and turn to Seth.

Me: thank you. Thank you for comforting me.

Seth: anytime. If you ever need a shoulder to cry on, I’m always here for you.

Me: Thanks. OH, want to meet someone?

Seth: who? Your dog?

Me: no, but if you want, you can meet my dog…

Seth: so who are we going to meet?

Me: just follow me.

I grab his hand and started leading him to the baby’s room. I haven’t seen her since my mom gave birth to her 3 days ago. She was sound asleep in her new room, on her crib.

Me: Seth, this is Kiona, my new baby sister.

Seth: This. Is. Freaky.

Me: what’s freaky? A baby?

Seth: no. How you guys look totally alike! I’m not kidding. You, Kiona, and your mom have the same hair.

Me: how do you know? You can barely see her hair… she’s practically bald.

Seth: oh I see it. Why did your mom name her Kiona?

Me: I actually named her. Because when I first saw her and looked into her eyes, for some reasons, a bunch of hills popped up. Then like you said, I saw her hair and it was really brown, like mines when I was little. So I named her Kiona, which means Brown Hill in Quileute.

Seth: is she going to get a nickname too?

Me: most likely not. If we come up with one. I mean, her name already means something, but usually our dad gives us the nickname. But we’ll think about it.

Seth: That would be cool. But, does your mom’s name mean anything?

Me: oh, it means Coyote. She got it because of her hair. Perfectly fits, right?

Seth: yeah, perfect.

Mom: *yells from downstairs * KAYA! GET READY. WE HAVE TO GO SOON.

Me: *yells back * OKAY MOM. I’LL BE READY SOON. *turns to Seth * I think you should go. We have to go see some family. But I’ll see you around.

Seth: yeah, I should get going anyways. I have to go to a meeting. It was nice meeting you and your family. And yeah, I’ll see you around. Bye.

As he runs down the stairs, I couldn’t help but just stare at him. He was so perfect and nice, I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. Once he closed the door behind him, I went back to my room and flopped right on my bed, staring at my ceiling, thinking about Seth. Okay okay, you did Kaya. You did do it. But make sure nothing else happens! I started to sit up and just put on a sweater, and some shorts. Then I started to make my way downstairs to find everyone ready to go.

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