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--My POV—

I’m glad I have people here to watch over me. Paul and I are going to be real close now. We walked back to start my training. When we got there, everyone was out of the kitchen, waiting for me to start.

Sam: Kaya, I want you to start running around and see how fast you are. You are going to go with Leah, she’s the fastest, try and keep up with her pace. Kwoli, you are going to be going with Quil, Embry, and I to go with you step by step what happens when you see a vampire. The rest of you, stay here and wait. Understood?

We all nodded. I look at Leah and we ran to the forest and phased.

What do we do first? I thought in my head for only she can hear my thoughts.

We are going to go run the perimeter. The border lines of our land and the cold ones. Got that? Follow my lead. After she stopped for 5 seconds, and ran off. Of course I had to run after her, I was suppose to follow her. I caught up after a couple seconds and actually passed her. She tried to speed up, but she couldn’t catch up. We didn’t see or smell anything so we just went back to Sam’s. When we got there, we phased and changed back. I looked up and walked towards the house, where everyone was standing and I saw Kwoli and Quil, on the floor, holding their heads, like they had a huge headache.

Me: what happened?

I asked calmly not to overreact or scare anyone.

Sam: while we were teaching him, Quil was the pretend vampire while Kwoli was phased. He explained to him what to do, and trying to pretend to do what we would go to a real vampire. What ended up happening was Kwoli ran, tripped, pushing Quil with him, and knocked their heads on a tree.

After he explained, I stood there with a look on my face that made everyone laugh at me. My face literally looked like I was thinking, “I’m surrounded by idiots.” Before I knew it, the two were already healed and ready to go.

Kwoli: so who ran faster? Leah?

Leah: NO… Kaya did. She cheated if you asked me.

Me: yeah, whatever. I’m faster. It’s fair.

She rolled her eyes but with a chuckle. I knew she wasn’t mad nor annoyed, she was just happy, I think.

Paul: you’re faster than Leah?! You have to do patrol then!

Sam: NO. She’s not well trained yet. We have to teach her what to do when approached by a vampire.

Me: I know what to do, I read Kwoli’s mind. One question. What do you do, if you are approached by a vampire, human form?

Sam: that’s the worst way to be approached. The best you can do is try and phase as fast as you can, and howl.

I stood there thinking what would happen if I was approached by a vampire in human form. I was snapped out by a smell. A sweet smell, so sweet it made me crinkle my nose.


Everyone instantly looked at Collin and Brady, and they looked back with innocent looks.

Me: no. It’s not like that. It’s making me crinkle my nose. It smells sweet, but something so sweet, it’s disgusting!

Seth: you don’t think….

Sam just stood there in shock, while everyone was trying to see if they smell it. Jacob, Embry, and Leah. Come with me and we will circle the perimeter just in case. Sam yelled, and they all ran towards the woods and disappeared. Kwoli caught up in my head, Kai! You can’t do that again! You’re smelling it from the other side of the border line! You’re nose, remember your power?! I froze remembering what I can do, what I had.

Moments Later

The 4 returned and said they saw someone on the other side of the border line, but they were on our side, but they jumped and left a smell. It was an unfamiliar smell. They looked at me asking themselves how I knew I smelt something, and how I smelt it since I was far from the line.

Sam: Explain yourself young lady! How did you do that?

As they all made me sit down on in the middle of the kitchen, every eye on me, their arms crossed across their chest, and looking confused. I let out a big sigh, and explained, I have really good smelling abilities? I said like it was a question. Then Sam and Jacob entered my head, Is this one of the powers you kept from when you were a baby Kaya? Sam asked. HUH? WHAT’S GOING ON? YOU HAVE POWERS KAYA? Jacob asked in confusion. I nodded and both of their questions.

Sam: Why didn’t you just tell me earlier?! We could really use that for our patrol and watch outs Kaya!

He said happily while running towards me and wrapping me into a bear hug! He finally let go, and we looked around the room and saw confusion in everyone’s eyes, except my brothers, and Jacob’s.

Sam: shall we test it out?

I nodded, and started to smell anything around the area. I sniffed, I smell, perfume. Emily has just sprayed some perfume. It smells like, I sniffed again, Roses and honey. Good combination. Sam laughed and everyone started to catch up.

Quil: I’m going to run at the cliff and tell everyone what you smell.

He runs to the cliff, and started to sniff. I can smell the salt water. The clean air. The, I sniffed again, wait, I smell.. POOOOOISH... HE’S FARTING ISN’T HE? Everyone nodded and started laughing. Quil runs back and asked what I smelled. I told him and I was right. It was freaking everyone out, but it helped them out a lot.

Paul: so, you’re like a tracker dog? Or a guard dog?

I heard Kwoli and Seth growl at his question, I immediately put each of my hands on their chests to calm them down, and they did. I took a step forward, and said, I wouldn’t be talking, stupid MUTT. HOT HEAD. He looked at me and let out a big laugh. I knew we both weren’t serious and so we took it as a joke.

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