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--My POV--
Mom: So, you guys know that my kids are shape-shifters just like you guys. They got that from their father. I’m just like you guys, a shape-shifter, but I’m not a wolf.

I felt everyone around me tense up.

Mom: I’m a coyote. My kids, they are one of a kind. Right now, Kaya is the only one that’s both wolf and shape-shifter, but Jacy will be one soon, and so will Jolon in a couple of years. They change no matter what. Whether it’s to protect or because it’s time for them to change.

I heard my mom tying to explain to them about her side. Everyone around us just sat there in shock. Me, on the other hand, just sat there looking at the table not wanting to be there because of Seth. I felt his eyes on me though. I was getting kind of angry because he kept staring, I just wanted to punch him in the face, but I couldn’t do that to the one I love. Then something snapped me back to reality.

QAHLA!, my mom slightly yelled, 'don’t you want to ask them something?'

Me: oh yeah. Since Jacy, or Kwoli, is having the symptoms of becoming a wolf, I was wondering if he could stay..

Sam: of course he can Qahla. We’ll help him through everything. Right boys?

I looked around and saw everyone nodding their heads.

Me: thank you guys so much. I owe you guys.

Kwoli: BUT ATEH!


Everyone starts to giggle. ‘What does Ateh mean?’ Embry asks.

Me: Since my mom is part Filipino, we use some Filipino words sometimes. Ateh, means older sister, in tagalog. These two only use it when they don’t like what’s going on, and they try to use that word on me, to soften me up. But it doesn’t work anymore. Come on outside Kwoli. We should talk.

We walk outside and I sit on a log, and sits in front of me.

Me: now, will you tell me what’s wrong and why you don’t want to be here?

Kwoli: There was a reason why I was so excited to move here Kai. No one liked me back in LA. They all thought I was weird, and that I don’t belong there. I was the total opposite of you.

Me: You think I don’t know that? Of course I know that. You’re my little brother. Remember how every day at lunch, I would always eat with you? Or how during passing periods, I would always hang out with you? You should have figured that I knew. You’re my little brother. I rather pick you, over any of them. I love you Kwoli, and never forget that.

Kwoli: Thanks. And I love you too. But what if they don’t like me? What if they bully me? What if I don’t fit in?

Me: How will you not fit in? You are just like them. A shape-shifter. If they make fun of you because you are a coyote too, then, come to me. We’ll always be the same. They won’t bully you, they are your pack brothers now and sister. They’ll like you. But let me set down some ground rules before you stay here. Listen to me. 1: please behave. I don’t want Emily to tell me that you have been acting up. 2: be nice and polite to everyone. Be a gentleman. If Emily looks like she needs help, help her, and don’t take no for an answer. 3: Listen to what Sam and Jacob tell you. They are Alpha and Beta. Do as they command. 4: Do not get anyone mad. I don’t want to have to get a phone call from Emily saying that you got Quil mad, and he’s ready to rip your head off, and I have to come here and protect you! Got that?

Kwoli: yes ateh. I understand. Can we go back inside now?

Me: yeah, let’s go back inside.

We walk back inside the house and every eye was on us, except Emily, who was washing dishes. Kwoli walks to her and asks her for help, and he helps her clean up.

Sam: what did you guys talk about?

Me: just a little brother-sister talk. And I set down some ground rules for him to follow, so he won’t be a bother. And listen here pack boys, *I say in my mad voice *, if any of you guys hurt my brother, I will rip your head out. And yes I do have the nerve to do it.

Paul snickers and snaps, WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT, SHORTY?

I walk towards him, ‘Just because I’m short, doesn’t mean I can’t fight. You don’t want to see me mad’, as I snap my head at him, making him jerk backwards. I can hear Sam chuckling in the back and says, ‘That’s my little cousin for you. But she really will rip your head off. So don’t mess with her.’ I turn around to tell Sam thank you, but I had this feeling in my body, that someone was watching my every move. I felt a tingle run down my spine. I started to look across the room and I stopped as I saw Seth, staring straight at me. I roll my eyes, and I can see pain throughout his whole body. I didn’t talk to him, nor look at him since that talk with Sam earlier. My heart dropped as soon as I remembered that talk.

Mom: well we should get going now. We’ll see you guys tonight at the bonfire!

I grab Kola and carry him and told him to say bye to everyone. I said my byes to everyone, but Seth. I walked passed him as I growled at him.

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