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---Seth’s POV---

I finished changing Kiona, walked downstairs with Kiona in my arms, and sat down on the couch next to Kola.

Me: where’s Qahla?

Kola: She is changing right now.

Me: okay.

Kola: soooooo?

Me: soo what?

Kola: did you ask Qahla on a date?

Me: oh, yeah I did. She said yes. We are going tonight.

Kola: YAY. Sorry, I just want her to be happy.

Me: yeah, me too buddy.

Kola: promise me something?

Me: What’s up?

Kola: Promise me you won’t hurt my sister. I hate to see her cry, actually, I hate to see her sad, period.

Me: I promise I will never hurt her Kola. Never in my life will I hurt her physically and mentally. I love her too much.

Kola: I think you should tell her that. Instead of thinking I SHOULD tell her. Just do it.

Me: I can handle it from here Kola, but thanks. Wise for a 6 year old.

Kola: I’m half coyote and wolf, I was born wise. Seriously, we were. Qahla started making sense when she was 2. Kwoli when he was 3 and I was 4 when I started to make sense. Weird way to put it, but it’s true.

Me: you’re a smart boy then! By the time you are 9, you’re smarter than me!

Kola: maybe! We’ll see if we end up in the same grade in 3 years.

I laughed at his comment and heard footsteps come down the stairs and I looked up and saw Kaya. Man was she beautiful in her outfit. I couldn’t stop staring at her, till Kola hit my arm.

Kaya: Ready to go?

Me: yup! Let’s go!

Kaya: *says in baby voice * HI KIONA. DON’T YOU WOOOK PWEEEETY! YOU ARE SHOOO BIGG NOW! Ahhhh, cutie pie. * turns to me * Do you want me to take her?

Me: No, I got her. You can have Kola.

We started to walk out of her backdoor and Kola was falling asleep again. Not surprised, he sleeps 18 hours a day. Yet, he’s still tired. He’s probably too excited. Yeah that’s it.

Kaya: what did he do?

Me: nothing, we were just talking about his wise talk.

Kaya: Wise talk? What do you mean?

Me: he told me when you were younger, you practically had a full brain and made full sense when you were 2.

Kaya: yeah, haha, that’s actually true, don’t make fun of me.

Me: why would I make fun of you? That’s actually really cool!

Kaya: yeah I guess. That’s why I’m pretty advanced for a 15 year old, I’m a senior in high school, and I’m 15. That makes no sense. 

Me: I wish I was that smart.

Kaya: I guess. It has its pros and cons.

Me: what do you mean?

Kaya: Pros: 1. I’m graduating soon. 2. No more school. 3. I don’t have to deal with more work. Cons: 1. I have no friends my age. 2. I’m the youngest in the grade. 3. I get made fun of because I’m different than any suppose to be sophomore.

Me: was this at your old school?

Kaya: yeah it was. Here in La Push high school, I only have one friend. Jake. But now that I met you guys, the pack are my friends.

Me: yeah! Don’t worry. We’ll always be there for you. My sister likes you, a lot. She doesn’t like a lot of people. But if you have no one to hang out at school because the guys are missing and my sister or you can’t find them, you can always find me. Hang out with some sophomores.

Kaya: I don’t know….

Me: you think they’ll judge you?

Kaya: yeah, I’ve always had that problem.

Me: don’t worry. If they don’t like you, then we can hang out at school, just you and me.

A smile came upon her face and made her less tense. It made me happy that she was happy now. Then she kissed me on the cheek. All I know is that I started to smile and turn red.

Me: so what did you and Sam talk about in your head this morning?

Kaya: Sam saw a coyote in the woods, and he thought it was me, but it was my mom. I told him to go look for her and not stop till they found her. My mom doesn’t usually turn into a coyote out of nowhere unless she’s really, really mad.

Me: oh my goodness. Did they find her?

Kaya: yeah, they found her. She was in her human form and Sam saw that she had a cut on the side of her body, so they took her to the Cullens. I’m hoping she’s okay, and at Sam’s house right now.

Me: I’m sure she is okay. You don’t want Kola to find out?

    (Sorry it's really boring.... i'm trying to make the next few ones interesting... i'm trying my best!)

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