Ran Away.

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---Seth’s POV---

I saw her run into the forest and heard her phase. When she told me to stay, while she walked off, it felt like she took my heart with her and shattered it right in front of me. She’s pushing me away. ONLY TO KEEP YOU SAFE IDIOT. NO. I can’t lose the love of my life. Not now, not since I finally met her. I’ll be nothing without her. I will fight with her whether she likes it or not. I will find a way.I walked back towards the fire and sat down next to Leah. Tears filling my eyes but I refuse to let them escape.

Paul: don’t worry man. We’ll find a loophole to protect your imprint. No one will lay a single hand on her, not while I’m around.

Everyone nodded in agreement. ‘We have to find a way to protect her. We can’t have her leave town. We’ll be too far from the town to protect.’ Jake spoke. Everyone sat there in silence thinking of a way how to protect Kaya without having her leave La Push or not having any of us leave La Push. I didn’t care about the plans they were trying to bring up, all I know is, I’m going to fight besides her to keep the love of my life, safe. Whether she wants me there or not, I’m going to keep an eye on her. They decided we will put off planning for tomorrow so everyone can get some rest and get some ideas in their head. We all left the site at 10:30. I hope Kaya is okay. I should go find her, just in case. NO, if you do, she’ll never trust you again. Give her some space. She needs to do this on her own and try to realize she needs us there next to her.

--My POV—

As I went into the forest, I wanted to phase into a wolf, but I phased into a coyote. I knew I was mad but I wasn’t furious, and I didn’t want any of this to happen. I have to keep everyone safe. I have to. I ran and ran and ran and ran until I reached the Canadian boarder line. I stopped and phased back and collapsed against a tree. It was almost morning. I was going to fall asleep, until I started thinking about last night again. The Volturi. They are after you. They want you to be by their side but if you keep refusing, they’ll kill you. Your brother is the one that has to get you. But he doesn’t want to be with them anymore but he has no option. They will get you one way or another or kill you. You want everyone in La Push to not try and protect you because you don’t want anyone to die because they don’t deserve to. Over thinking overpowered of me sleeping. What am I going to do? I want them to help me but I can’t risk their lives just to save me. I don’t want to leave them, but you have to keep everyone safe. I want to see my siblings grow up and tell them from right and wrong, you got to do what you got to do. I don’t want to hurt Seth. It’s either he’s heartbroken, or dead. You pick. You have to lead them somewhere else. Far away from La Push as possible. No, I can’t be away from them for too long. Okay, what are you doing to do? I GOT IT.

I ran back to La Push making sure no body noticed I was there. I wrote letters to each of them. As a group or individual. I stuck it on everyone’s fridge so they can see it. I wrote everything as fast as I could, and ran into each house as I taped the note

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