People Care.

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---My POV—

I put Kiona back in Emily’s arms, and as she walked inside the house, I told Kwoli and Kola to follow her. When they did, I turned around, started walking towards the forest, ignoring every call the guys yelled to see where I was going. I wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone. I was mad, at myself. I was beating up on myself, like I did, 8 months ago. I finally reached the cliff and sat down on a rock. You’re an idiot. You made your siblings cry! You are a monster. MONSTER. MONSTER. I started to bury my face in my hands, then I heard foot-steps, I didn’t bothering opening my eyes because I didn’t want to see who it was. I just looked up, eyes closed, and yelled. ‘If it’s Sam, Quil, Embry, Paul, or Leah, GO AWAY. I’M NOT IN THE MOOD!’ Then I heard a soft voice,

Seth: what if it’s your best friend?

I opened my eyes and nodded for him to come here. He wrapped his arms around me and I just kept beating myself up. More and more tears started to fill my eyes but I refused to let them escape. I look up to his face,

Me: Seth, I’m a monster. I made my brothers and sister cry!

Seth: you’re not a monster. You’re just a protector. You just don’t want to see them sad or hurt.

Me: I can never forgive myself for this.

---Seth’s POV---

I couldn’t stand to see her beat up on herself and fight the tears. It makes me just want to cry. I can hear her say to herself, I’m a monster. I’m a monster. I’m a monster. I didn’t want her to think that. I didn’t want her to beat herself up like that for being protective. I heard footsteps next to me, I look up and see Leah.

Leah: I’ll take it from here Seth.

Me: *whispers * no. I got this Leah. I can do this.

Leah: *whispers * Apparently you can’t since she’s not happy yet. I got her, don’t worry. I’ll take care of her. I just want to have a talk with her. Please let me help.

I didn’t want her to help because I wanted to make Kaya feel better, but I wanted her to stop feeling like this. So I carried Kaya and gave her to Leah. I walked back to Sam’s house hoping everything is okay.

----Leah’s POV----

My only mission for now is to make her stop feeling like this. She’s like a little sister to me and I don’t want her to be like this. I know what I have to do and say because I feel the same way as she does. As I was carrying here, I sat back down on the rock, and started talking.

Me: Kaya, sweetie. Please stop beating up on yourself, for me, Seth, and the pack. Why are you doing this?

Kaya: I’M A MONSTER. Something so simple made me explode and made my brothers and sister cry!

Me: it’s not your fault. If that was me, and someone wanted to do something bad to Seth, and I knew from a look, I would’ve done the same thing. You’re not a monster Kaya. You’re just looking out for your family. It’s your job because you are a loyal coyote.

At that moment, she stopped, looked up, and said, “thank you Leah. I can always count on you to help me through something.’’

Me: anytime Qahla. Now, what’s this I hear that the person you imprinted on, doesn’t love you back?

Kaya: I imprinted Leah. Right before I was going to tell him, he told me he imprinted already. That already broke me. I don’t want to always be around him anymore because what if I see her with her, because if I do, I’ll just break down and my heart will officially shatter.

Me: Qahla, I don’t know who this asshole is, but I want you to know that he’s making the biggest mistake of his life. I know you don’t want to see him, but you’re going to have to deal with him sooner or later. All you really need to care about is if he is happy.

Kaya: I’ll pick later. And, I know. Of course I want him to be happy, but what am I going to do?

Me: Kaya, I know what you are going through. I know how you feel. When I found out Sam imprinted on my cousin, it broke me into pieces. I loved Sam, with all my heart. But seeing him happy is all that really meant to me. But every day, I make him regret what he did to me. And I know he does.

Kaya: you make him feel guilty?

Me: yes. And I think that’s what you should do. Make that asshole jealous. Find someone else, be happy, and make him regret hurting you.

Kaya: you know what, you’re right. Thanks Leah, you’re the big sister I always wanted.

Me: no problem, Kai. You’re the little sister I always wanted.

Kaya: but you have Seth.

Me: so? He’s not a girl.

She looked at me and started laughing so hard her stomach started to hurt. I was glad to see her smiling again. Seeing her in pain, made me feel her pain with her, knowing what she is going through. I turn around and see Paul standing there. I nod, stood up, and walked passed him.

-Paul’s POV-

Even though I just met Kaya, I loved her like a little sister. I knew I was going to protect her from anything. She was sweet, kind, protective, hot tempered like me, and everything I always wanted in a sister. I know I messed up trying to think I was going to make her little brothers cry. It bothers me knowing Kola is scared of me. But I know what I have to do for them to accept me back. I walked where I saw her walk off, and stopped when I saw her laughing and Leah just looking at her. Leah turned around, nodded, stood up and left. I walked to where Kaya was so I can apologize and tell her everything.

Me: Can I join you?

Kaya: I guess.

Me: look Qahla, I’m sorry I did that to you. I shouldn’t have. It was dumb of me. I was stupid to think of fooling you.

Kaya: yeah, you are stupid.

I chuckled and just looked at the sky.

Me: I know I messed up. I just want to get your trust back. I never meant to do any of this. I love you Kaya. You’re like the little sister I always wanted. I want to protect you from anything that tries to hurt you. I just want you to know that I’ll always be here for you.

Kaya: Paul, of course I trust you. I just get a little protective over my brothers. It’s in my blood. I can never hate you Paul. I can stay mad at you, but never hate you. You are the big brother I always wanted. And yes, I do forgive you, hot-head.

I couldn’t help but smile when she called me hot-head, Thanks Kaya. I love you. And I never want to see you hurt. But I heard you imprinted, but something went wrong. I’m sorry to hear that. If anything, I’m here for you.

Kaya: there is one thing.

Me: anything!

Kaya: how do I make a guy jealous?

Me: do you really want to go there?

Kaya: it’s the only way I can get over him, and make him regret hurting me.

Me: Date someone. Make sure you do everything in front of him to make him break down in front of you, drop to his knees, and beg you to take him.

She instantly laughed at my advice, but also took is seriously.

Me: okay, okay. Let’s go back. We have to start training you and Kwoli!

Kaya: where’s my mom?

Me: she got a couple stitches but she’s fine. We took her home. She’s sleeping right now. Come on let’s go.

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