Reasons why...

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--My POV-- 
~The next day~

I woke up with a post-it on my head. I took it off and read it. ‘Reason 78: Because when you sleep, you’re peaceful.’ And saw a rose next to me. I smiled but was confused on what he was doing. I got up from my bed, it was 7 AM and went to the bathroom. I saw another post-it on the shower, ‘Reason 27: Because you smell good every single day.’ I looked down and saw another rose. I put it on the table and took a shower. I got out and went into my room and went to my closet. I opened it and there was another post-it with a rose attached to it. ‘Reason 44: Because you have a good sense of style.’ I got changed and went to the mirror to comb my hair. Again, I saw another post-it with a rose and a little note on top. ‘Note: you don’t wear make-up anymore…..’  ‘Reason 2: Because you’re beautiful, just the way you are.’ I blushed and combed my hair. I put on a pair of my shoes and opened my door. There on Kwoli’s door had a letter.

‘Kaya. Happy birthday! I know you got my first few reasons. From now on, you are going to find all these reasons why I love you, all around La Push and Forks, and I’ll tell you where to find it. Each one has a rose to it. Once you got all of them, your last clue, will lead you to me. Have a great adventure today Qahla. I love you. See you later! P.S. There are notes all around on how many you should’ve found in that one place. P.P.S. There’s a 100 all together. In your room, you should’ve found 4. Go downstairs and have some breakfast. See you in my next note.’ I walked downstairs. House was empty and clean. I walked into the kitchen and found pancakes, bacon, eggs, and strawberries with a post-it and a rose next to it. ‘Reason 21: Because you smell like strawberries, and I really like strawberries.’ I put the note down and started to eat. After I ate, I went back upstairs to get a little box to put all of the notes and a bag to put all of the roses. I went into the living and found another post-it and rose on the TV. ‘Reason 39: Because you’re real and not fake like those people on TV.’ I walked around to the front door and found a letter. ‘Kaya. This should be letter 2. You should have found 2 on this floor. Now go to the school and into your locker. I love you Kaya. See you later.’ I walked out the house towards La Push High School. On the door had a post-it and rose. ‘Reason 90: Because you are dedicated to school and a hard worker.’ I pushed the doors open and went to my locker and found another set. ‘Reason 34: Because no matter how difficult you are to open up, I’ll still find a way to open you up for me.’ Did he just compare me to a lock? I opened it and there stood a bunch of books I read since I came to La Push. There were about 29 books. And there was another set. (when I say set, it’s a post-it and rose) ‘Reason 29: Because you love to read.’

And it went on and on and on and on. He made me go from my house to the school. From the school to the forest. From the forest to the pet shop. From the pet shop to the flower shop. From the flower shop to Emily’s house. From Emily’s house to his house. From his house to Embry’s house. From Embry’s house to Bella’s house. From Bellas house to the Cullen’s house. From the Cullen’s house to the hospital. From the hospital to the top of the little mountain. From the top of the mountain to the bottom on the beach. From the beach to the cave. From the cave to the top of the cliff. I was exhausted. It took me HOURS to find all of them. He wrote from how gentle I am, to how strong I was. From how different we are, to how alike we are. From how kind I am, to how generous I am. From my craziness to my loudness. From my loyalty to my protectiveness. From the way I act to the way how I make him feel. And it went on and on and I thought I was at my last one. When I was at the top of the cliff there stood a set. ‘Reason 5: Because of how honest you were when you told me you loved me.’ Memories flooded in when I first told him I loved him. I sat there on the rock and watched the sun start to set. I put all the post-its and notes in order. I thought I had all of them, but I was missing 30. UHG, HE’S GOING TO MAKE ME WALK AROUND AGAIN. I looked around to see if there was a note hanging around but found nothing. I looked carefully and found an arrow. I walked towards it and saw words on it. ‘Follow the arrows if you want your last reasons.’ I walked into the forest and followed the arrows. It felt like forever till I reached the last one. There stood Kwoli waiting for something or someone or me. ‘Hey Kwoli. What’s up? Do you have one of my reasons?’ he shook his head and said, ‘I have your last NOTE.’ He handed me a note and I read it out loud, ‘Kaya, you’re so close. Just follow Kwoli and he’ll lead you there. Put this blindfold on. It’ll make it more exciting. Oh, and change into this first.’ He gave me a bag with clothes in it. I went behind a tree and changed. He put a blindfold on me and led me somewhere. ‘Oh by the way, happy REAL birthday Ateh. I love you.’ He said before he stopped.

Me: are.. are we there yet?

Kwoli: yes, yes we are.

Me: so I can take off my blindfold?

Kwoli: Count to 10 first.

Me: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

I took off the blindfold and there stood everyone and they yelled, ‘SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAYA!’ I stood there, tears forming in my eyes as everyone came up to me and hugged me, each handing me a rose and a post-it. I had 99 in my box. Where the hell is Seth? He better not make me walk anymore. My feet hurt so much. ‘Where’s my last reason? Seth hasn’t doesn’t he?’ They all nodded at me. ‘Well, where is he?’ They didn’t answer me and just smiled at me like idiots. I raised an eyebrow and turned around. There, behind me near the woods, he stood. He had flowers in his hand, a wrapped box, a rose, and a post-it on top. I started walking towards him, and he walked towards me and lifted the box so I can read the last post-it. ‘Reason 1: Because you love me the same way I love you.’ I dropped the boxes, bag, and flowers and flew into his arms. I held onto him but I was so tired, I let go. When I pushed away, I punched him in the arm.

Seth: HEY, what was that for?

Me: for making me walk all around both towns for post-its. Let alone, BY. MY. SELF. UHG. MY FEET HURT SO MUCH.

Seth: I’m sorry baby. Want me to carry you? Does that mean you didn’t like my surprise?

Me: No, no. I loved it Seth. It’s just, I’m really tired now. It really wore me out. And yes, please carry me.

Seth: Anything for my princess. 

He carried me on his back, picked up the boxes, bag, and flowers, and walked towards the party. Everyone was there, watching us, and AWWING at us. And when I say everyone I mean everyone. Embry, Paul, Jacob, Sam, Emily, Quil, Leah, Collin, Brady, mom, Kwoli, Kole, Kola, Kiona, Alana, Mr. & Mrs. Kim, Billy, Sue, Old Quil, the Cullens, and Bella.

I rolled my eyes as Seth went to go get us food. He set me down and gave me my food. Everyone sat with us asking how was my adventure. ‘It. Was. Exhausting. My feet were about to fall off. It hurts so much. But the adventure was fun. Never got to see the towns like that. It was so sad how I was alone though. Hey Seth, how did you do this all in one day anyways?’

Seth: I didn’t. It actually wasn’t even my plan.

Me: then who’s plan was it?

Seth: It was Jake’s.

Me: Jake, why did you plan this? Seth, why did you go with it?

Jacob: well, I thought it would be fun to watch you run all around both of the towns looking for little post-its. Also, we needed to distract you to set up your party.

Seth: and I went along with it because when Jake told me, I denied his idea. But he said I owed him for introducing me to you and the night of our first date. So I had to go along with it.

Me: Thanks guys. But make me do that again, that stuff is staying where you put it, and someone else will find it them selves.

Jacob: Anything for my Kai-Kai. And deal.

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