Little Talk.

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-----Mai’s POV-----

We’ve been here for a week. And ever since Kaya met Seth, she’s been acting different. Before her father passed away. I’ve been seeing him non-stop here at the house with Kaya and Kwoli. The way he looks at her is the same way he looked at me. I sighed at the thought of his passing. I heard a knock on the door and went to go answer it.

Me: Seth, nice to see you again.

Seth: Hey Mai! Is Qahla home?

Me: You just missed her. She’s going to be back soon. You can stay here and wait. She won’t be long.

Seth: thanks Mai.

We walked into the house and we sat on the couch. ‘Seth, I want to talk to you about something.’ He looked up and I felt fear and nervousness in his eyes.

Me: don’t worry. It’s nothing wrong. Everything is fine. I just want to talk to you.

Seth: uhm, about.. what?

Me: you and Kaya.

Seth: what about me and Kaya?

Me: I just wanted to say thank you for keeping her happy. She hasn’t been this happy since before her father’s passing. She’s been having a really tough time getting through it. But you seem to know how to keep her happy.

Seth: thanks Mai. And I’ll always keep her happy.

Me: I know you will. You also keep her safe. Please never hurt my daughter because it pains me to see her like that. I mean it really PAINS me.

Seth: Mai, I would NEVER hurt your daughter physically or mentally. I love her too much to ever do that.

Me: and another thing. Every time I see you guys hang out, you always stare at her.

Seth: oh, about that…

Me: no, it’s okay. I know. The way you look at her is the same way my husband use to look at me before he asked me out. Did you imprint on my daughter Seth?

Seth: yes, I did Mai. From the moment I laid eyes on her at the ice cream place. I felt the gravitational pull I’m suppose to feel. I know what I feel for her. Every day, I try to make her fall in love with me so she can feel the gravitational pull I feel. But it’s hard getting through her. But it’s so weird because I remember every single thing she says, everything she wears, and everything she does.

Me: that’s what a coyote does. Everything they do, you have to remember because it’s like they are hypnotizing you. No matter how much you want to forget, you can’t.

Seth: I know. But it’s even harder because she already imprinted on someone.

Me: wait, she imprinted on someone else? I thought she..

Kaya: MOM, I’M HOME! Oh, hey Seth! Let’s go up to my room.

Me: hey honey.

Seth: yeah, let’s go.

Me: Seth, thank you again.

Seth: I know Mai. No need to thank me. It’s what I’m supposed to do. Thank you for bringing her into this world. Without her, I’d probably be nothing.

He walked away with a smile on his face while Kaya had a confused look on his face. And I heard her whisper,

Kaya: what was that about?

Seth: nothing. Don’t worry about it.

He smiles so big and looks at her in the eyes. He’s a nice kid. I hope nothing happens to him when the time comes.

-Kwoli’s POV-


I heard them laugh and heard his footsteps come towards my room. He looked a little confused and worried like when my mom was talking to him downstairs.

Seth: What’s up?

Me: nothing. Just wanted to talk to you first.

Seth: about what?

Me: you and Kaya.

Seth: look, I already talked to your mom about it.

Me: I know, I overheard you guys. But it’s something else.

Seth: what is it?

Me: can you just ask Kaya to be your girlfriend already?

Seth: why? I’m waiting for the right time till I for sure know she’s in love with me.

Me: is that so?

I raise one eyebrow at him trying to make sure he gets the point. How does he not figure out that she already loves him? Why can’t he see that? Just please make my sister happy! Uhg, please, I want her to be happy!

Me: okay, just don’t take too long. You might miss you chance if something happens.

2 weeks passed and we did almost the same thing every day. Seth and Kaya would hang out while the rest of us went cliff diving. But on the weekends, we would train. It could get kind of boring. But we still try to have fun. Each and every day I see Qahla and Seth hang out and getting closer. Closer than friends, best friends. They knew everything about each other by week 3. It bothered me knowing that Seth didn’t ask her to be his girlfriend yet. I guess he isn’t ready yet. Whatever, he keeps my sister happy, and that’s all that matters. I keep thinking I forgot to do something, but I don’t remember what it was. But I decided to let it go, it’ll come back later.

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