Wake Up!

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---Seth’s POV---

Uhg, what time is it? 8:09 AM. Wait, why can I see the clock on top of the table? I thought I fell asleep on the floor. I was suppose to protect her from anything that decides to come inside, like a guard dog! I didn’t even bother looking around. All I know is I felt my arm around someone’s waist, someone’s head is laying on top of my right arm, and I feel breathing on my chest. I look down slowly and I see Kaya sleeping next to me. WHAT? HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? I FELL ASLEEP ON THE FLOOR! I KNOW I DID! WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?! I started to panic in my head, like always.

Kaya: morning Seth *says in sleepy voice *

Me: Good morning. *smiles * Do you want to tell me how I ended up on here, and not on the floor? And how we are in this position.

Kaya: oh, last night, I felt bad that you were sleeping on the floor, because the floor is uncomfortable, so I lifted you on the bed, and we just ended up in this position.

Me: oh.

YES. She’s in my arms. I hope I didn’t say her name out loud last night. I don’t want to freak her out. I’m starting out my day, really good. None of us moved out of the position, and I just smiled and I laid my head on her head. She smells like strawberries,I like strawberries. I thought and just laughed at myself. Then made me jump a little.

Kaya: are.. are you okay?

Me: yeah, I’m fine. Perfect actually. Just thought something really funny.

Kaya: what?

Me: don’t worry about it.

We stayed in this position for awhile and fell asleep again. Around 10 AM, something jumped on us.

Kaya and I: OWWWWW.


Kola: hehe, okay. Seth, when did you get here?

Kaya: he slept over.


Kaya: it was passed your bed time, I wasn’t allowed to wake you up!

Kola: oh. It’s okay. I forgive you Qahla.

He jumped off of Qahla and onto my stomach.

Me: OHP. Hey little man. How’s it going?

Kola: GOOD! I can’t believe you’re here!

Me: me too. Hey, little man, do me a favor?


Me: can you please get off of my stomach.

Kola: after you ask my sister out on a date! 

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