BE anything for you.

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--My POV-- 
Next day came and I went straight to Seth’s house. It was 10 in the morning. I jogged to his house with his present in my hand. I knocked and Leah answered. She smiled and gestured me towards Seth’s room. She probably knew exactly why I was here. I was in front of his door, and I heard music coming from his room. I knocked on his door, ‘Uh, Seth. It’s Kaya. I want to talk’ He immediately turned off his music. I guess that was my cue for me to talk.

‘Look Seth, remember those words I said before I asked you the question? I meant it. I would do anything, say anything, BE anything for you. If it means JUST being a protector and pack member to you, than I accept it. I’ll always be here for you Seth. I just want you to know, I’m not going to stop loving you. I’m going to do all I can to make sure you know that I really do love you with all my heart, body and soul. Let me put it this way, explaining my love for you is like explaining what water tastes like. You have endless explanations. If you don’t love me anymore, then I accept it. If you don’t want me to be your girlfriend anymore, then I’m okay with that. If you don’t want me in your life anymore, then just tell me. But until you do, I’m going to remain in my position. I love you Seth, and never forget that. And by the way, I would NEVER take back my imprint because he’s all I think about, and the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. I’m sorry I even asked you that stupid question. If loving me was a mistake, then you should be right, and go out with Brigid. She really likes you. I love you Seth. And never forget that.’ I finished everything I needed to tell him, put his present in front of his door, and walked home. It’s been a day since I talked to Seth, since I hugged Seth, since I seen Seth’s smile. I’m breaking into pieces without him. If this is how I’m going to feel forever, might as well get use to it now.

---Seth’s POV---

I was looking for a shirt to put on so I could open the door and talk to Kaya. I couldn’t stop thinking about her last night. As much as Brigid gave me butterflies, she doesn’t make me feel the same way Kaya makes me feel. I ran to my door and opened it. She was gone. I looked down and saw a present that said, ‘To Seth, my love. You deserve the best. I love you.’

I took it into my room and closed my door. I sat on my bed and opened it. A letter, a few pictures of Kaya and I, a necklace of Kaya’s wolf form, candy, a new shirt, and 3 new pairs of shorts. I put on the necklace and was ready to throw away the box. Until I looked inside again and saw another piece of paper that says, ‘Reasons why I, Kaya Hunt, love you, Seth Clearwater.’ There, on those pieces of paper, were 50+ reasons why she loved me. I read every single one of them. Those are the same reasons why I love Kaya.

I dropped everything I was holding, and ran to Kaya’s house. I knocked and Kola answered it. I ran towards Kaya’s room, which was locked. She never locks her room. I knocked and knocked but got no response. Then I spoke up, ‘Kaya, it’s Seth. I’m sorry I’ve been acting like this. I’m sorry I’m acting like a complete jerk. I still love you and I’ll always love you, until the end of time. Loving you was not a mistake. I don’t want Brigid, I want you Kaya. Please believe me. I’m really sorry. Those reasons you wrote on why you love me, made me think back why I started loving you in the first place. Please, just talk to me.’ I waited for a response and nothing. ‘You’re just going to leave me hanging out here?’

--My POV—

I heard Seth talking outside my door. I opened it and his back was facing me. He never knew which room was mine. I leaned against the doorway and kept listening to what he said. He wanted a response but I didn’t speak up. ‘You’re just going to leave me hanging out here?’ He said against Kwoli’s door. I giggled and he turned around. ‘Kaya?’ he said in confusion.

Me: you never really remembered which room was mine.

He scratched the back of his head of embarrassment. ‘Yeah, I always thought it was first to the left. Sorry. Do I have to repeat everything I just said?’

Me: nope. I heard every single word. And you shouldn’t be apologizing. I’m the one who should. I’m really sorry Seth. I really am. I really do love you. I just want you to believe that.

Seth: I do believe you Qahla. I really do.

Me: so,

Seth: what?

Me: where are we at this point? Protectors, pack members, schoolmates, friends, best friends, boyfriend/girlfriend?

Seth: did you forget? I’m your boyfriend.

I smiled and jumped in his arms. Everything is back where it should be… Well, almost. After I broke away from our hug, Kole came running between us, looking pissed. ‘What’s wrong Kole?’ I asked.

Anything for YOU ~Seth Clearwater Love Story.~Where stories live. Discover now