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--My POV--
Mom: come on, let’s go. We don’t want to keep your cousins waiting, do we? I like that Seth kid. He's really nice. 

Me: no mom, I  guess not. So, let’s head out. And i know, I like Seth too. Who am I carrying? Kiana or Kola?

Kola: ME!

I lifted him up in my arms and we started to head out. My mom said we didn’t live very far from them, so we just started to walk. The sun didn’t set yet, so there was still light out.

---Seth’s POV---

After I left Qahla’s house, I went to Sam’s house because he said we had a meeting. I opened the door and everyone’s eyes were on me. Emily came up to me and hugged me tight.

Me: Hey Ems!

Emily: Hey Seth! I heard that you imprinted! Congrats! I hope you’re happy!

Me: I am happy.

Jared: so where did you guys go?

Me: we went back to her house and I met her family, and just talked for a little bit.

Paul: did you ask her out yet?

Me: no. I didn’t have the guts to.

Jake: same old Seth. Still don’t have the guts, even if it is your imprint.


Sam: settle down guys. I have some news. We are going to be having some new members into the pack. Leah, you won’t be the only girl anymore.


Sam: yes I know, settle down now. We are going to meet them soon. We are having them over here to talk then they’ll be coming to the bonfire tonight. Behave okay? She’s a little different once you guys find out.

He scans the room to look everyone in the eye. Me, Leah, Jacob, Jared, Paul, Quil, Embry, Collin, and Brady all in order. We all nodded to confirm that we will behave.

Emily: do you want to tell them who they are?

Sam: They are my little cousins. But I treat them as they are my brothers and sisters. Their mom is like a mom to me, so you better give her respect!

He said with his alpha voice. No one could say no to his alpha voice. We all had to take it as an order. We waited for the family to arrive. Then the doorbell rang. Emily goes and gets the door. I just started to walk outside to get some fresh air thinking about Qahla.

--My POV—

Emily opens the door, and hugs me really tight, as I return the tight hug.

Emily: KAI! I haven’t seen you in so long or heard from you.

Me: yeah, I know. Sorry. It’s been a tough time.

Emily: Come on in. Who’s this little munchkin?

And starts to tickle Kiona.

Me: oh, this is our new baby sister. Kiona.

Emily: she’s beautiful. She looks just like you and your mother. Where are the boys?

Me: Come here guys.

My brothers, being the slow pokes they are, drag their feet behind me and they look up and their faces started to lighten up.

Them: EMILY!

Emily: hey boys!

And they attack her with hugs.

Mom: it’s nice to see you again Emily! Beautiful as ever!

Emily: it’s nice to see you too Mai. You look beautiful yourself for someone who just gave birth.

Mom: why thank you.

Emily: oh come on in here. Sam’s waiting for you guys.

She leads us passed the living room, and into the kitchen. These guys again. What a surprise. Then I see Sam standing there.

SAM, I yelled as I ran up to him and jumped to hug him. I haven’t seen him in so long! He use to live with me and the family before he came back out here. He was like a big brother to me. I can’t believe I get to see him again! Better yet, BE IN HIS PACK!

Sam: HEY QAHLA. It’s nice to see you again. I’ve missed you, and the boys. And it’s nice to meet my new cousin. Oh, this is Leah, Paul, Jared, Jacob, Quil, Embry, Collin, and Brady.

Me: yeah, I know Jacob. We have Chemistry together.

Sam: There’s one more, where’s….

Then I saw a figure step into the kitchen. I look and immediately my mind started to explode.


Seth: QAHLA!

What are you doing here, we said spontaneously. I looked into his eyes and couldn’t even look down. Then I heard Sam breathing really hard. He was getting angry, I knew it.


I started to look down and I knew what he was talking about. I knew he could read my mind. Only he knew what I was thinking. My eyes started to fill with disappointments because I hate to disappoint Sam.

Me: Sam, please calm down. Please calm down, before something happens. Let’s go outside before you break something or phase. I’m sorry everyone.

I pushed Sam outside near the woods. As I passed by Emily, she had that worried look on her face hoping nothing would happen to me.

Me: SAM I’M SORRY. I COULDN’T HELP IT. I don’t understand why you don’t want to be with Seth!

Sam: You don’t understand Kaya Aaliyah Hunt!

I hated when he called me Kaya. He only used it when he was mad at me. He’d use my full name to get the point out.

Me: I do understand. Can you please calm down?

As I said that, I put my hand on his chest so he would calm down. Then he did start to calm down.

Sam: I’m sorry. I just don’t want you to get hurt.

Me: how am I going to get hurt? The only thing that's going to stop me is if he… imprinted already…

Sam looks at me with his sad expression and at that moment, I can feel my heart rip out of my chest, drop onto the ground, and shatter. He’s already imprinted on someone. Tears started running down my face and I started to become weak and started to fall. Before I knew it, Sam grabbed me in his arms and held me tight because he didn’t want me to be in pain. I started to cry in his chest while everyone inside was just mumbling wondering what was happening. I stopped as he stood up and said, “come on. Everyone is wondering what’s going on. Let’s go inside.” He extended his hand out to me so I can stand up. I reached out for it, and stood up. His arm was around my shoulder but I couldn’t take my eyes off of the ground. He walks in front of me, kisses me on the forehead then walks inside. I started to walk behind him, not taking my eyes off of the ground.

Is everything okay, Qahla?, I heard someone ask, and I looked up and saw Seth there with a worried look on his eyes. Yeah, I’m fine. Just a little tired. I replied. I walked passed him and sat down next to Leah. She knew something was wrong, but didn’t know what. She just started to comfort me and tried to have conversations with me.

Sam: okay. I think it’s time to tell them.

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