Legend Has It.

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We finally arrived at the bonfire. I took Kiona out of her car seat as Jake took Kola in his arms. We walked out on the path and saw everyone there. All the guys were stuffing their face with food.

Jake: that’s my dad, in the wheelchair, Billy, Sue Clearwater, and Quil SR. Sue took Harry’s seat after his passing.

We walked towards my mom, handing her Kiona. Jake gave me Kola, who wanted to see Kwoli. I walked towards the boys who were pigging out at the table. ‘Kwoli’ I said, ‘Someone wants to see you.’ He turns his head and Kola hugs his leg tight.

Kwoli: hey Kola. You missed me already? It’s only been 5 hours.

Me: hey boys. HEY LEAH!

Boys: hey Qahla. Looking comfy.

Leah: hey KAI!

She wraps her arms around me and gives me a bear hug. We let go, and I hear Paul say, ‘did she forget that we have feelings too? I want a hug!’ I turn to them, ‘you want a hug? Come here and give me a hug then.’ They all look at each other with a look on their face, ‘GROUP HUG’ Embry yells. They run towards me and squish me until I can’t breathe. ‘CAN’T BEATHE HERE GUYS. STOP BEFORE I GET MAD’ They all decided to let go. After they let go, everyone ran to the logs and sat down to listen to my mom’s stories. I heard it a million times, so I didn’t have to, but I had to. I sat between Leah on my left, and Embry on my right. Paul on Embry’s right, and Seth on Leah’s left.

Mom: Our legends are the same as yours. We shape-shift to protect our land from the cold ones. But my tribe is now slowly decreasing. I am a coyote from the Canis tribe. Our land, is no more because of the cold ones who killed almost the whole tribe. Some escaped, and that’s how I am here today. Since I am a coyote, and my husband was a wolf, when we had kids, they all inherited both wolf and coyote. My daughter is the only one so far, so become both. There are very few like her. Kwoli, is soon to be just like her. She’s a very good protector, do not underestimate her. She’s a very loyal person. There are similarities and differences we have with each other. But overall, we are all the same. When we get mad, we tend to phase, depending on how mad. When we get hurt, our body heals fast. When we fall in love, it’s love.

Embry: so, you’re a coyote too?

Me: yeah. I can change into both.

Paul: wait, do coyotes imprint?

Me: yes we do imprint, but it’s kind of different since I have both wolf and coyote.

Everyone look at me with a confused expression on my face, except my family.

Billy: what do you mean?

Me: well, you guys know how when wolves imprint, you can feel a gravitational pull between you too? And it feels like you are floating whenever you see them or look at them in the eyes?

Everyone nods their heads but still with a confused look on their faces.

Me: For coyotes, that doesn’t happen. When you imprint, you know you imprinted. That person has no reaction whatsoever. You have to try and make them fall in love with you, then you’ll feel the gravitational pull and you’ll know that person is the right one. A coyote can imprint as many times as they want, but when you imprint on one person, it’ll take years to get over them. That person can like you as a friend, a best friend, a person, or hate your guts.

Jake: since you are both, what happens?

Me: very rare that I will find someone to imprint on. The thing is, I can imprint as a coyote and a wolf.

Leah: so you can have two loves at the same time?

Me: apparently you can. But I would never do that. I would rather imprint as a wolf then a coyote. And I can control how I can imprint. But since I am both, it’s different. I never want to imprint as a coyote. I imprint on as a wolf. But if I imprint, only one will feel the gravitational pull. ME. I can imprint on someone who already imprinted.

Brady: what do you mean?

Me: so, let’s say I see Embry somewhere for the first time. Right? I know when I imprint on him. And I know because I feel the gravitational pull, but not him. So I have to make him fall in love with him. The only thing that can stop me from making him fall in love with me is if he broke my heart. The only way that can happen is if he imprinted on someone already.

After I said that, I can feel my heart breaking right in front of everyone. I wanted to cry but I had to be strong for the rest of the night. Everyone around me was in total shock about me. But I felt that someone was watching me again, and then I knew it was Seth. I looked next to Leah, and I was right. Staring at me with watery eyes.

Jake: Let’s say Embry imprinted on you. Would you feel the gravitational pull?

Me: Uhm, certain people may feel it. But 80% of people don’t. I mean, someone can imprint on me, but they’d have to make me fall in love with them, like he is a coyote. Confusing I know, but that’s just how it goes.

Sam: would you like to tell them that other thing?

Me: oh. You guys know how you can hear each other’s thoughts and communicate telepathically? We can do that too. But I have the option of turning it off and on.

Once again, everyone shot me a confused look. I sighed and started to explain again.

Me: Coyotes can hear only hear other coyotes. And wolves can only hear wolves. Since I am half, I can hear both. But since I am special, I have the option of letting you guys hear my thoughts, and having the option to hear your thoughts. Okay, let me make it easier. It’s like I have these light switches in my head with everyone’s name on it. So if I only want Leah to hear my thoughts, I turn on that option and we can have a one on one conversation in our head, and the best part, none of you guys will never know. Even if I turn her off, and she thinks about it, you guys will never know about it. It’s like wakie talkies. So every conversation I have with everyone individually, no one will know but me. And maybe Sam and Jake. Sam and Jake can hear majority my mind all the time because they are family. I know how to block out some stuff. It’s just a really organized mind.

Paul: okay okay. We get it. Now, when do you turn into a coyote?

Me: usually, when I get really, really, really, really mad. You guys know when a wolf gets really mad and you guys phase, for a coyote, you have to make them really angry. But since I am half, I have a temper problem. So you never know which one I’ll turn into.

Collin: can we see you as a coyote?

Me: mom?

Mom: let’s go honey.

My mom runs to the forest and hides behind a tree to take off her clothes. For me, as I started walking, I took off my sweater and hide behind a tree to take off the rest. My mom and I nodded at each other then phased. We started to walk out behind the tree to show everyone. Everyone sat there in amazement. We started to walk towards the fire and I stopped right behind Leah, Seth, Embry, and Paul. I bowed my head so they can pet me.

Leah: oh my goodness. Your hair is so soft Kai! You are a beautiful coyote! So is your mom.

I heard her and licked her face. As it started to tickle her face, she fell on the ground laughing. I started to lick Embry and Paul’s face. Then it felt like I had to lick Seth’s face. His sad face lit up and started to laugh and just petted me. I felt so much better now that he is petting me. To me, it just felt right. No Kaya. He already imprinted. Don’t do this to yourself. You are just going to hurt yourself. Then I heard my mom in my head. ‘Sweetie. Seth is a nice boy. I think you should tell him you imprinted on him, just so he knows. He looked sad all night. Maybe because he thought he lost a friend. Talk to him.’ I know my mom was right. But I didn’t feel like talking to him because my heart would break again if he told me that he already imprinted. But I have to do, what I have to do. I looked at my mom, and nodded as we headed back into the forest to phase back and change. As my mom started to walk back, I stayed behind and leaned against a tree.

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