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--My POV—

I didn’t look up anymore after we sat down. I tried to calm myself before looking back. Then I heard someone clear their throat. There he was, with Jacob Black.

Jacob: hey!

Me: hey Jacob!

Jacob: nice to see you here. Well, I just wanted to introduce you to my friend here. Kaya Hunt, this is Seth Clearwater.

Me: nice to see you too. And hey Seth, nice to meet you.

I put out my hand so I can shake his hand. It took him awhile to take out his hand, it felt like he was, nervous. I started freaking out in my head. Calm down Kai. Calm down. He’s just a cute boy, remember?

Me: Oh. Guys these are my little brothers. Jacy and Jolon. Jacy, Jolon, this is Jake and Seth.

My brothers: hi…

They were always scared of older guys because they thought they would hurt them. The only reason why they thought was because of before.


It was a summer day in LA. We were just in the house. I had a boyfriend, who hated kids apparently. I didn’t know that. One day, I had to baby sit my brothers because my mom and dad had to run so errands and my boyfriend came over. We were upstairs in my room playing while he was watching TV. I went downstairs to go make lunch so I told him to watch them. I walk downstairs and started making sandwiches. While making the sandwiches, I heard thuds coming from upstairs.

HEY, what’s going on up there? I said in a really mad voice. NOTHING said my boyfriend. I didn’t believe him. I walked up there thinking they were just playing around and I opened the down softly and saw him beat my little brothers to shut up and die. That was the moment I blew up on him. I started punching him and pushing him and yelling and kicking him. I hate people who touch my little brothers like that. They mean the world to me, and if anyone hurts them, I’ll hurt them too.

GET OUT OF MY HOUSE AND NEVER COME BACK YOU IGNORANT ASSHOLE. I yelled while tears coming down my face. He slapped me and started walking downstairs, I started getting mad, and my mom and dad just got home. My mom told me to go outside and try to calm down. I couldn’t because I was shaking and was so angry. I ran outside and before I knew it, my dad had a heart attack.

~end of flashback~

Seth and Jake: hey, it was nice to meet you boys.

Me: care to take a seat guys?

Jake: I actually got to get going! Seth, why don’t you sit down and converse?

He turns away and starts walking out the door, saying by to his friends, who were staring right at me. I started to tense because I hate when people stare at me. But I just shrugged them off, and looked back at Seth. He was so perfect. NO. HE’S JUST A CUTE BOY. REMEMBER!

---Seth’s POV---

Kaya: so, would you like some ice cream? My treat!

Me: oh no, no. it’s okay. I have ice cream over there on the table.

I point behind me and she looks behind my shoulder. And she starts to smile and giggle.

Kaya: you mean the one that those guys are eating? *points at the guys *

I turn around and see them eating my ice cream, looking at me, and laughing. I would be mad but I was around Kaya, so it didn’t matter. I have what I want.

Kaya: here. Eat mines. I’m not really feeling ice cream anymore. My stomach kind of hurts.

Me: oh thanks. So, heard you just moved here.

Kaya: yeah, 4 days ago.

Me: how do you like it so far?

Kaya: it’s nice, calm, and peaceful. I use to come by here all the time when I was younger, but then I stopped. I don’t know why, but I’ve missed this place.

Wow, she’s so perfect. I said in my head and smiling straight into her eyes.

Kaya: what are you staring at? Is there something on my face?

Me: no, no. You’re face is perfect.

She blushed and smiled at my comment. I couldn’t help but blush.

Me: so Kaya,

Kaya: please. Kaya is what teachers call me. Call me Kai or Qahla.

Me: Qahla?

Kai: it means Sun in Quileute. My dad gave me that nickname when I was a baby and everyone just started calling me that. Oh, you can call Jacy, Kwoli, and Jolon, Kola. Our dad gave us all nicknames when we were babies.

Kaya. Kai. Qahla. It perfectly fits for her. She’s so beautiful. I can’t believe she’s mine. I couldn’t help but smile at those nicknames. Although they were weird, they were really nice nicknames.

--My POV—

All 3 of them finished their ice cream and I noticed that Kwoli didn’t look to good.

Me: Kwoli, are you okay? You don’t look too good…..

Kwoli: no, I’m fine. I just feel, different. I think it was the ice cream.

I put my hand on his forehead.

Me: Kwoli, you’re burning up. We should take you home.


Me: yes she is! So, let’s get going.

As I said that line, I started to feel pain in Seth’s eyes. I didn’t want him to leave my sight, but I had to take him home before anything happens to Kwoli. The last thing I needed was for people to find out. I started to stand up and help put on Kola’s jacket. Then I heard him jump out of his chair.

Seth: NO. I mean, let me take you home. The least I can do since you gave me your ice cream.

Me: yeah, I’d like that.

Then I felt my cheeks turn tomato red and when Seth turned to me, he started to smile. Oh that smile, it just makes me want to melt. We started to walk to the house and Kola started falling asleep. Figures since I forgot he didn’t take his nap today. I carried him in my arms, usually it was easy to carry him, but my arms were so sore that I was getting tired.

Seth: here, want me to take him? *puts his arms out *

I gave Kola to Seth so he can carry him. Kola didn’t fuss or fight with Seth. He just started to doze off in his arms. He was good with kids too, no Kaya! He’s just a cute boy! Remember, just a cute boy. That’s all!

Me: so…

Seth: so, why did you guys move here to La Push?

Me: oh, it’s where my dad was born and raised. So we decided to move here.

The moment I said dad, my eyes started to get deeper and deeper with sadness and when I looked at Kwoli, he was ready to burst out crying. I put my arms around him and whispered in his ears, it’s okay. Don’t worry. I got you. I know how you feel.Then he smiled and just kept on walking. 

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