A 'Play' Date.

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Me: what?!

I turn hoping she wasn’t there, and she wasn’t. Thank goodness.

Me: I will not ask Kaya on a date.

Kola: if you want me to get off of you, you have to ask her on a date. Or I’ll start jumping on top of your stomach.

Me: I will not ask her on a date Kola.

Right before I thought he would get off, he starts jumping on my stomach. Restricting myself from breathing regularly.


And I start tickling him so he can get off. Why didn’t I just do that before I said I’d ask her on a date. Oh well, I have to take her on a date! MY IMPRINT. FINALLY. Funny, I just met her yesterday. Whatever, she’s all I ever think about. I love her so much, no matter if she loves someone else already. She’s my imprint and I will always protect her. She steps out of her bathroom, into her room staring at me and Kola.

--My POV—

Kola pushes me out of the doorway as he runs out of my room, downstairs in the living room.

Me: what was that all about? *putting on some make up in front of the mirror *

Seth: well, uh, it’s just, he told me,

Me: spit it out Seth.

Seth: will you go on a date with me?

I instantly dropped my brush and quickly looked at him. Did he just.. no you must have heard it wrong. No, you heard it perfectly! He wants to go on a date with you! WAIT, did Kola put him up to this. Uhg, no. my little brother just set me up.

Me: uh, did you just ask me on a date?

Seth: uh, yeah.. *he said nervously while scratching the back of my neck *

Me: did Kola put this up to you, then,

Seth: no. I mean, yes he did. But I want to go on this date.

Me: really?

Seth: yeah, get to know you more. You know. Just like a play date.

Me: oh, then sure, why not.

Seth: tonight, at 6.

Me: 6 then.

I couldn’t help but smile knowing that my imprint is taking me out on a date! Don’t get to worked up Kai. He already imprinted. Wait, if he already imprinted, why is going on a date with me and not. Wait, she loves someone else. That’s right. It’s just a play date.

Seth: just a play date.

I sighed because of the thought he only thinks of our date as a play date when I think of it as a real date.

---Seth’s POV---

PLAY DATE? YOU IDIOT. You think of it as a real date, but she thinks of it as a play date. Way. To. Go. IDIOT. Whatever. Tonight is the night you are going to make her fall in love with you. Surprise her with things. You are going to make her fall in love with you.

Kaya: SETH. Want to go downstairs?

Me: sure!

--My POV—

We walk downstairs and I find a note on the table.

Qahla, Seth, Kiona, & Kola.

                        Went out to do some errands. Left breakfast on the table for you guys. Be at Sam’s at 12:30 PM. They will hold another meeting. Yes you have to take Kiona and Kola with you because I won’t be back till tonight. When you go to Sam’s Emily said she would watch over the kids while you train. Have fun today. See you tonight. Love you all.

                                                                                    --MOM/ Kai.

Me: looks like my mom left. We have to be at Sam’s at 12:30 PM. We have to take my brother and sister with us. But, dig in your… food…

I have him that, really, look. He was already digged in his food, mouth full looking at me. He says with his mouth full of food,

Seth: uh, sorry. I was too tempted.

I just giggled at him and sat right next to him. I’m sitting right next to the person I want to spend my whole life with, that I’m in love with, and he doesn’t have a clue. I started to eat, then I heard something in my head.

KAYA. Where are you? I didn’t recognize the voice. I didn’t bother responding because I don’t remember turning on my options of hearing someone’s thoughts.

Kaya! I know you can hear me! Where are you?! Alpha voice. It was either Sam or Jacob.

I’m at home with Kola, Kiona, and Seth. Is everything okay? I responded in my head. At home? Then who’s out here in the forest? We just saw a coyote here, I tried to approach it because I thought it was you, but it just growled, looked me in the eyes, then ran off. I knew it was Sam’s voice. WHAT? THAT HAS TO BE MOM THEN. SOMEONE MUST HAVE MADE HER REALLY MAD! YOU HAVE TO FIND HER BEFORE SHE RUNS OUT OF THE TOWN. IF SHE DOES, SHE WON’T RETURN FOR A WEEK! SHE CAN DO ANYTHING STUPID TO KILL HERSELF. I CAN’T LOSE HER TOO SAM! I said in my head very mad, ready to phase. But I looked up and saw Seth feed Kiona, and saw Kola eating peacefully in his seat and I started to calm down. They are the reasons why I stay calm.

QAHLA, we found her. She phased back into herself. She’s cut on her side. I’m taking her to the Cullens, then back to my house. Don’t forget to be at my house, 12:30. I think Kwoli is ready to phase soon. He said as I heard him panting running to the Cullens. Okay, we’ll be there. Please be safe Sam. And thank you. I love you. I responded. I love you too Kaya. You be safe too. I sighed of great relief.

Kola: is everything okay ateh?

Me: Yeah, I’m fine. Everything is better now. Seth, thanks for feeding Kiona.

Seth: I had a feeling you were talking to someone in your head because of the way you had different expressions on, and how you kept kind of closing your eyes. So I figured, feeding her while you were busy.

Me: yeah, I was just talking to Sam. I’ll tell you later about it.

He nodded then finished feeding Kiona and cleaned up after her. He is such a gentleman and sweetheart. I can’t wait to have his kids. Woah woah woah. Did I just say that? No Kai. You do not know that for sure. You have to make sure he falls in love with you tonight.

Me: let’s go get ready to head to Sam’s.

Kola: but ateh, I don’t want to go to Sam’s! Those guys scare me that he’s always with.

Me: *laughs * But we get to see Kwoli today!

Kola: OKAY!

He jumped out of his seat and ran upstairs.

Me: hey Seth. Do you want to dress Kiona or Kola?

Seth: uh, I think I’ll take Kiona.

Me: Alright. I’ll set out an outfit for you to change her. Please change her diaper before you put on her clothes. Thanks!

Seth: I will, don’t worry MOM.

Me: hmph.

I walked up the stairs kind of mad because I hated when people called me mom. Then I got over it as I went to Kiona’s closet of clothes, and set out a nice outfit that Emily would love to see her in. Then went into Kola’s room and picked out and outfit for him to wear and I changed him.

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