Short Intro/Characters description and Notes

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Okay Guys I will give you an short Plot for this story then I will Describe the characters for this story okay. so remember like I said this is my first LOZ FanFic so please don't hate okay cause if I see a bad comment I'm gonna stop writing this story. but anyway on to the Intro/Characters description and notes. 

Short into-> In Skyloft there's three knights attending the Knights Academy. two of the knights are Juniors while the other Knight is a Sophomore.  while underneath the skies are two Couples living. 

One of the two Knights comes to a young girl named Amber Destiny she's kind, plays the ocarina and likes to go on adventures she even also have a pet fairy named Proxi. The other Knight his named is Parrow Sanders he's close to Amber and have a crush on her since childhood and he also have a little brother named Link. Last but not least there's the last Knight his name is Link Sanders now link is very caring, his also shy and he helps around the academy he is known as the little brother of Parrow. 

Now on the ground below the skies there's two couples one of them is named Carmen Winchester , she's cares for other people also very shy when she talks to other people. shes the girlfriend of the demon lord Ghirahim.  Now as for the fabulous demon lord Ghirahim he's very different from his girlfriend Carmen. He only cares for himself and he also abuses Carmen (Physically) just only if she ignore, does something wrong, sneek  out, or yells at him. 

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