ch.18- Destiny pt.1

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Okay this is it Parrow and Amber destiny also  Cloaked-Hylian image that you and Parrow okay. Vote and comment.

Parrow/Amber: yup can't wait.

Parrow p.o.v

The next mor ing Amber and I got up early to explore an island and while we were exploring we came across an old castle and went inside and explore even more until we solve a puzzle and two large doors open while Amber played her Ocarina.

"Hey Amber are you ready to go exploring to an island." "Hell yeah I am Parrow you know me."  "Yeah I do babe, let's go we have a big day head of us." We jump off the platform and called our loft wings then when we saw the island we jump off and used our sailcloth to land our fall.
"Okay here we are now is time to explore this island. Grate bokoblins these guys don't know when to quit." "We got this Parrow, one down and more to go." We fought then and then we continued to move on forward. "Man what a fight they put up." "I'm so tiered  but lets keep on, we might encounter some more enemies." "Right, come on." We fought with more monsters then when we saw a temple/castle and went inside. "Huh what is this place, Amber stay close huh Amber." "Hey Parrow look what I found." "Is a puzzle, let's see if I fine anything written here." I look around the puzzle then I found words inside of it. "Only two warriors from the past shall know their destiny and fight among the princess of light."  "I don't know who's the light princess but hey Amber let's solve this puzzle." "Okay then Parrow." We solve the puzzle and the ground started to shake and we hold on to each other but we saw two doors.

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