Ch.22- Back in square one/ The mark

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Okay guys here's ch.22 I have the flu but I'm gonna finish this story.


Carmen p.o.v
I woke up and then I look around and saw a window and started to cry then I thought about the sweet memories of link and when I was in sky loft with him before my crazy ex boyfriend kidnap me. Then I saw Ghirahim and he removed the red cloth that was around my mouth.

"Aww why are you crying Carmen, do you miss your sky boyfriend." "Mmm, mm." "Oh right I forgot you can't talk there you go."

He remove it and I saw it around my neck. "Yes I do miss my boyfriend, why you want me so badly." "Why... Why I want you Carmen is just that I never value when you were my girlfriend Carmen and I want to start that by Doing this all over again." "Will this is not a very good start and anyway you lost your chance demon lord and let me go."

He appear closer to me and then pulled out his dagger that he made out of his magic and then he put it near my left eye.

"Don't tell me what to do princess, I'm your master you follow my orders and keep this attitude up and I will carve two diamond shape in your right eye meaning that our belong with me." "No.. Don't I'm sorry.." "Too late for apologies Carmen.."

I saw him  snaking his fingers and pin me down then With his dagger "I will mark you as mine." And with those words, he stabs his dagger under my eye. I scream out as he carves into my flesh.

"Yes, scream Carmen! Let me hear that beautiful voice cry out in pain!" He laughs and carves deeper into my face.

He finally finishes carving under my eye. I feel tears leaking out of the sides of my eyes. The tear on my left side burns my flesh and I whimper.

He looks down at me at me and smiles. He snaps his fingers and the chains where back in my wrist and he grabs me by the hair and forces me  to look into the water.

"Take a look, Carmen. This is the mark that proves that you belong to me."

I look into the water's reflection and see the mark.

I thought he carved under my eye but he carved at the side a little beneath my eye. He carved two diamonds. One on top and one on bottom but they both were inside the other's shape.

"Enjoy the mark my little slave I see you later."

He snap his fingers and left a wave of diamonds then I went back looking at my mark.


Ghirahim p.o.v

I went back to my room and then I sip on a cup of tea and I smiled while I thought about what I did to Carmen. And man it felt so good.

"Man is good to make Carmen my slave and thanks to those marks she will be forever mine." I laughed and then I said out load in my room. "HAHA LINK IF YOU COULD HEAR THIS I JUST WANT TO SAY THAT I WON CARMEN  AND YOU LOST HER FOREVER!"

I finish my cup of tea and climb into my bed and sleep silently.

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