Ch.7- You lying bitch.

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Okay everyone ch.7 of whirlwind and also this chapter involves Ghirahim and I.

Ghirahim: vote and comment.


Ghirahim p.o.v

When I heard that Carmen won't ever show me respect I went to look for her and lucky I know where to find her at. I went to the throne room and walk to her and slap her.

"That lying bitch, how could see lie to me ahhh, I'll show her not to lie to me." I walk into the throne room and then she turn around and I slap her. "Hey Ghirahim.. What was that for." "For you being a lying bitch how come you lie to me. I know you didn't went to the "restroom" you escape from your chain that you could eat something but instead you talk to my slave." I was on top of her punching her then she used her arms to block my punches then I used my magic to pin them on top of her head. "Please stop hurting me, I'm sorry that I lie to you Ghirahim I know I shouldn't have but I'm tired of you hurting me." "Sorry isn't going to cut it Carmen, you broke my trust you bitch. You know what I'll throw you into a cell and you'll be in there for a week." I took her to her cell and snap my fingers and saw chains around her ankles and wrist. "Hope you enjoy your new room."


Carmen p.o.v

I look around and I hugged my knees and let all the tears fall down to the hard cold cement floor then I just thought about what my friend used to say.

"How did I end up being in this cell, all I want is this nightmare to end I should of listen to my friend when he was alive but I didn't, I didn't." (A/N: if you guys see the italic font it means that the character is thinking.) "you cant go out with him, he doesn't like if he does like you he wouldn't beat you up." "That's his part showing to me  that he loves me Abel." "I care for you Carmen." "I know you do but I could handle myself."  I cried even more at the thought that I should of listen to my best friend and now his not here to help me out cause Ghirahim killed him and is all my fault. "Able buddy I miss you so  much, I should of listen to you but I didn't I was so stupid please forgive me." I heard his laugh and then he told me that it was my fault that Able died by he hands of him. "It is your fault that he died babe. You should of listen to him but you were blind by love." "I'm still am Ghirahim, please take me out of here I'll do anything but please get me out of here." I begged him  and then he laugh and said no. "The answer is No Carmen, you have to finish your punishment, you lie to me and lost my respect. And before I leave I'll come and see you to abuse you physically and mentality have fun love." I cried once again and then I lean against the wall and said. "I want this nightmare to end already."


Poor Link and I man, being trap by Ghirahim but don't you guys worry Amber and parrow  will save link and maybe Link will save Carmen so stay tuned.

Link: see ya guys on the next chapter of Whirlwind.

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