Ch.9- Saving Link Pt.2

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Okay hope you guys lime it, on the last chapter I introduce a small fight. And this is the continues of that small fight. And I'll do the honors.

Parrow : I'll kill you for hurrying my brother.

Ghirahim: your brother is my slave Parrow. And I'll kill you.

Amber; not a chance.

Me: oh my, I don't own the legend of Zelda Skyward sword but I do own the OC'S. On to the story *grabbing my things and leaving the room.*


"I'll kill you for doing that to my brother you stupid ass demon lord."

Ghirahim p.o.v

I growled at the insult that Parrow  gave me and then I went charging at him but his stupid girlfriend shot an arrow at me so instead I charge at her but she cut my face.

"I kill you for that insult Parrow you little bitch come here." I take down Amber then she took out her dagger and I hold my check and Parrow  pulled her away. "Amber are you okay, stay behind me" "I'm fine and no I'm gonna fight I promise I be careful." "Okay then love now let's fight a demon." I laugh at them and then I went charging at them again and I kick Amber in her stomach and hear Link scream muffle through the gag and trying to brake free from his chains. "Keep screaming and struggle link, but I'll kill your brother and your friend." "You bitch now I'm angry you'll pay for what have you done to my girlfriend.
I laugh and charge at him and I was on top of him. "Looks to me that I win and you guys lose any last words Parrow."  "Look behind you Ghirahim." I look behind him and then I didn't see Link in his chains anymore. "Where is my slave at?"


Carmen p.o.v

I untied Link from his bondings and remove the gag that was keeping him from speaking   and I healed his eye with my magic  and then he touch my black eye and I wince.

"Is okay Link, I got you your free already." "Carmen what happened to your eye. I smiled at him then help him to go his friend side. "Oh my eye let's just say that he got a bad temper , but go to your friend side." "Come with me as will." I blushed as he took my hand and we ran to his friend side and then I saw Ghirahim coming towers us but I hold him back and told them to run. "You three run I hold him back." "But I can't leave you alone Carmen not with him." "I'll be fine just go to your guys world." "You always get in the fucken way Carmen. That's right run you three but I get you guys one way or another and you  Why you ways destroy my plans you bitch."  I felt him punching me and then I pass out and he drag me then by the last breath I said. "Hope we meet again link..."


Link: oh my haylia, why you always think about others Carmen. *holding me closer.*

Me: that's my character in the story Link and anyway I be fine.

Link: okay then, remember to vote and comment guys

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