Ch.10- running

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Link: hey guys, sorry to keep you waiting but this CH.10 vote and comment also I'm writing this story cause Carmen is busy writing some new songs she came up with.

Amber/Parrow- Carmen doesn't own Legend of Zelda, but she does own the OC's.

"Hope we met again Link..."

Carmen p.o.v
I open my eyes by the cold water that was thrown at my face and I could feel the blood tricking down and I saw Ghirahim inside of my cell and grab a fits full of my hair and he slap me.

"What the fuck, that shit is cold." "Will it was that for you to wake up Carmen, and also I hate it when you always get in between my plans why you do it huh WHY!" I Spit on his white pale face and then he got mad and threw my against the wall and kick me hard in my guy making me cough up blood. "Why you little bitch, I'll show you not to spit on my lovely face. I don't even know why I bothered to  have you  alive."
"If you want me dead so badly why don't you kill me already huh. What's stopping you for killing me" I glare at him then he walk over to me and grab my chin and press his thumb into my busted lip and I put my hand over his wrist. "Cause my dear darling Carmen you have something that I want but only time will get me what I want. And you also play an important role." He let me go and then I stood there looking at him and when he was walking away I heard him saying to his mentions to torture me. "Torture the girl okay guys, have fun with your punching bag."


Link p.o.v

We were running and all three of us stop to catch our breaths and then my brother and Amber came to words me and hugged me tightly and I hugged him back. but  the only thing was on my mind was Carmen and how she was doing.

"My goddess I never ran like this before, at least we stop. "I'm glad your okay brother I was so worried about you and I thought I will never see you again."  "Yeah same here link, were glad that your okay." I smiled at them then I saw a tear coming out from my brother left eyed and I was surprise because I never saw him cried before, then I embrace them a hug. "I was worried about you guys as will, I thought you guys wouldn't come but is a good thing that I never lost that courage, but I'm worried about Carmen though. Parrow   look at me and then he narrow his eye brows. "Why are you worried for her link?" "Cause she took care of me whole I was recovering and I want to returned her the favor." I look at them and Amber spoke up. "We should return her the favor, she did help us that we could have a chance to run away from the demon lord Parrow  ." "I don't know going back is too risky." I look at my brother and I told him. "But brother we have too, it wouldn't be fair that we go back and she stays here being trap by her boyfriend." "Okay then we go and save your "little girlfriend." but first we got to go back to sky loft that you could changed from those clothes and get some potions. I nod at him and then I blushed hard at his comment but I shook it off and I look back and say. "I'll save you Carmen one way or another, you have my word."

Link: yeah on the next chapter I'm gonna save my princess of light (Carmen) I can't wait. But there you guys go CH. 10, I'll be working CH.11

Amber/Parrow- remember to vote and comment okay guys Carmen would like so much 

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