Ch.3- The first encounter

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Okay guys last chapter I introduce the Fabulous Ghirahim at the end will hell come out on this chapter and me include and don't worry Cloaked-Hylain Amber and Parrow will get time on chapter four okay. Any way on to the story.

"Take him to my domain and be gentle with the boy."

Ghirahim p.o.v
I look at the bokoblins carrying the sky child and then I can't wait to show my girlfriend the new slave that were gonna have, man is been a while that we haven't had a slave I had to kill the last one cause she escape poor her she was Carmen friend but I won't let this slave escape at all from our domain will actually mine domain.

"Hey Carmen, I got a present that you will love." I saw her turning around and she came up and give me a kiss in my lips and then ask me if she could see him. "Hey love, can I see the new present please." "Will of course, bring him. There he is our new slave." I look at her going to her side like if she knew him then I pulled her and when she snap back at me I slap her and lock her in her room. " Ghirahim he's hurt, we got to cure him look at his ankle is in pretty bad shape." "I don't care if he's hurt or not Carmen, I won't treat him!." "YOUR SELFISH GHIRAHIM, POOR BOY HIS DYING!." "Don't talk back to me Carmen, are you stupid for talking back answer me huh BITCH are you STUPID !." I slap her again then I grab a full fits of her hair and drag her up to her room. "Why do you only care for self Ghirahim." "Cause I want to Carmen, and you'll be in your room lock up without dinner and also if you talk back or leave this room I will punish you. GOOD NIGHT!." I lock the door and then I went to look at my new slave. "How's the boy doing hmm." "His dying my lord." I sigh then I snap my fingers and a bottle of red potion appear and I opens he boy mouth. "I got to do fucken everything around here, don't you guys expect seeing me caring cause I'm not, also Carmen is lock up in her room if you open her door, I'll kill you guys got it."

Carmen p.o.v

I look at outside of my bedroom window and then my stomach was growling, I sneak out to get some food and while I was walking to the kitchen sneakily I stop to loom at a room that had the light on and when I open the door I saw him laying in the bed with a chain around his broken ankle.

"Mam, why did I had to yell back at him, but it felt so good but at the same time I'm stuck up here without any food. Maybe I could sneak out and get some food." I grab a bobby pin and played with the lock and thank to the goddess that I heard Ghirahim snoring and while I was walking I stop and look at a room "okay thank you gods for him being asleep and snoring. Okay Carmen just be careful, huh why is that room have he light on?." I step in and saw the boy that Ghirahim brought. "Oh he doesn't look to good poor boy, looks lime your having a fever hopefully this cloth works." I put a warm cloth around his for head and then I saw his broken ankle in a chain and I wanted to take it off but I thought to myself that if I do Ghirahim will fine out. "He dare to put this chain on your broken ankle he doesn't care for no one but himself. I wish I could take if off but I'm scare of him just hang on okay. I put another warm cloth around his forehead and then when I was about to get up he grab my waist and I saw his eyes open
"W-wait don't leave, you got to help me to get out of here please take me back to sky loft." "Sky loft?. Tell me your name." I look at his deep blue eyes and he shutter his name. "My name is L-Link Sanders, a knight from sky loft, what's yours.." "My name, my name is... I was about to tell him my name until I heard Ghirahim shouting "CARMEN WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU AT!." then I got up and put my clothed around and before I exit out of the room I told link this. "Hang in there link, I'll help you out of that chain that is around your broken ankle and I help you to get back to your original place, hang on."


Wow, how about that. Man I love how I doing each characters in this story, and I'll do chapter four tonight okay and also I won't be in wattpad for three days cause I'm going on vacation so I post chapter four tonight and tomorrow chapter six, seven and eight, if I have the time. If I get Wi-Fi then I be on wattpad okay kids.

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