Ch.6- My Sky Child slave

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Me: okay here's chapter six and also no smut if you guys thinking about it. I might do smut but later on though is too early. Ghirahim if you do he honers.

Ghirahim: Carmen doesn't own Legend of Zelda skyward sword, but she does own the OC'S vote and comment guys.

Ghirahim p.o.v

I look at my sky child slave when he was sleeping then I just awe at his snoring and that's where I thought that this kid is so adorable. Good thing I took him from the skies into here.

"My sky child slave is still asleep, man he sure is a sleeper. I look at him and then he started to snore a bit and I just awe. "Aww he just so cute, I got to record his snoring. All of him is cute." I look at his clothes and then by the snap of my fingers he had a changed of clothes, he was waring short pants with diamonds cut outs from the sides and he had a shirt on similar to his pants and to finish it off a red ruby earring.(a/n: like the picture above.)  "My goddess that outfit looks nice on him, and the chain around your ankle is just perfect. Really perfect." Before I left the room I Whispered in his ear this "we own you now my sky-child." After I said that I went out of his room to my room.


Link p.o.v

I woke up by the voice saying "we own you now, my sky-child .then I rubbed my eyes and look down to see a chain around my ankle and I got up walk to the mirror and saw my changed of clothes then I realize that I was kidnap.

"Man, where I'm I and why I have this chain around my ankle?. Oh will what the hell happen to my clothes?" I tried running to the door but the chained stop me making fall to the ground and I tug at it but I saw a person waring a white diamond suit with a red cloth around his neck he had white lips and his bangs cover on eye. "Looks like your awake now my sky-child." "Who are you and what do you want, don't come closer." " my name is The demon lord Ghirahim the boyfriend of Carmen and you know is not proper for a slave to treat its master like that." My eyes went  wide when I heard that name then I  snap at  Ghirahim  by the word he said a slave. "I'm not your god damn slave, I'm no ones slave not even yours Ghirahim." "I think I should punish you, for being so rude maybe you learn your lesson by pain." I went back that he won't get closer to me but he punch me making me hold my gut then he grab a fist full of my hair and slam me. "You little brat you show me respect." "Never, and never will Carmen." "You know my girlfriend?" I look at him and then he be Gan to beat me up and when he was finished he said something. "Make sure this will teach you a lesson on how to respect me  my dear sweet sky-child." He dissapear by a wave of diamonds and then I lean against the wall and said.
"How did I get into this mess and why me why...."


Wow I'm on a roll, but hope you guys. Like this chapter.

Amber: remember to vote and comment.

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