Ch. 4- Milk Bar/Feelings

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Okay this is parrow and amber chapter hope you guys like it. Also parrow had too many milk bottles, also is already night time in Sky loft.

Parrow p.o.v

We jumped off from our loft wings and I couldn't believe that my little brother was gone, that I wouldn't be able to see him anymore I clinch my hands into fits, it was my fault that I couldn't hold onto my brother hand longer. And it was all my fault if I shouldn't have said hat to him in the library. "Out of the question link, please don't say or do that ever!." I was just being a good older brother and look what I cause making him go to "the land below." What an older brother you have link, I'm useless, I'm useless...

"God samn it, I couldn't hold on to my brother hand tighter, his gone Amber we lost him will I lost him is all my fault. LINK, WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE YOU, LINK COME BACK IT SHOD OF BEEN ME NOT YOU IS NOT FAIR!. (A/N: IF YOU guys know the anime Yugioh I got that line from Yami when Yugi let his soul to be taken away. Instead of him. On to the story.) "Calm down parrow we'll get him back and I make sure." "No we can't Amber how can we go down there if there's no opening to the "The land below." I just can't." I cried then I pick myself up from the floor and walk towards the milk bar leaving Amber alone then I drank milk bottle and all night was milk bottle after milk bottles. " I'm a fuck up older brother, I failed mother and father to protect you little bro. I failed you guys both on protecting in your son I failed you guys. I don't deserve to be called brother from you link." I heard everyone talking about what happened and then I was snapping at them and that's were Amber coming in.
"DON'T YOU GUYS EVER MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS, YES I KNOW .Y LITTLE BROTHER IS IN "THE LAND BELOW!." SO WHAT!. "Hi I'm looking for Parrow , never mind I found him." I was about to punch Goose but amber stop me before I could punch him. PARROW ENOUGH, sorry Groose he had too much ease tried and forgive him." "Yeah of course, and I think you should take him out he had too much." Amber was dragging me from the milk bar and when we reach to my room she slam the door. "WHAT THE HELL PARROW, WHATS WRONG WITH YOU!. "NOTHING, I WAS ABOUT TO PUNCH HIM AND WHY YOU DRAG ME OUT!. "Why I drag you out cause you were making yourself a DAMN FOOL IN THERE,THAT'S WHY!." I look at her and then I realize that she was right, I was making myself a damn fool. "Your right Amber, but you wouldn't understand Amber his my brother. I miss him so much."

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