Ch.16- Brother Groose/small B.T

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I'm so sorry that I took so long from updating truly I am sorry but to make it up to guys. I'll uploaded maybe three chapters maybe. B.T means black Tornado.

Link: vote and comment guys okay.


Groose p.o.v

I was in my room, thinking about why Carmen didn't recognized me until I was snap out of my thought by a knock on my door and when I went to open it I saw Carmen standing then she hugged me.

"Why couldn't you remember your older brother Carmen, what happen to that brother and sister bond. I should of stop you from going but instead I yelled at you. I look at the picture frame that I had in my desk and sat there thinking and I put it down when I heard a knock. "Carmen what are you doing here? Are you okay." "Yes I'm fine big brother." I hugged her tightly and I started to cry. "I'm sorry, that I argue with you that night and made you leave with him." "Wipe those tears brother, and is not your fault is mine, you and Able warn me not to go with him." I pulled away and I wipe my tears then I told her to hang out with me and take her on a ride on my loft wing.
like I used to do when she was little. "Hey sis are you busy today or your gonna hang out with Link?" "No I'm not busy, and link left me a note saying "Hey Carmen, I'm sorry to leave you aloneI need to go and do work with my brother and Amber, but you can tell Groose to hang out with you - Link." I look at the note then I smile at her and I dash out to my room to the platform. "Oh okay sis ready." "Um yeah I am ready brother." I whistle at my loft wing and it came then my sis climb on it and we ride. "OMG brother I miss this feeling, the air. I miss this a lot." "I'm glad you like sis." I saw her smiling and I look back and saw a small black tornado. "Hey sis don't look back."


Carmen p.o.v

I look at my brother, then I saw a small black tornado and my whole body tense up and I told my brother to tell his loft wing to hurry up.

"Brother tell your loft wing to hurry up, I don't want to go back down there QUICKLY!" "Right HANG ON SIS!" "you won't get away from me this time Carmen, and I'll make you pay." I felt the black tornado coming closer and getting it bigger then I used some magic on it to back it off. "This can be she can't already know her destiny.. She can't be doing this to me after all I done for her." "Hey brother let's go back to Sky loft." "Right." We went back and we jump off and he used his sail cloth and I told him while looking at the ground. "Brother, let's not tell Link what happen today please." "Don't worry sis I'm not planing to."


CH.16 done, now gonna do ch.17.

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