Chapter 1- Morning in Skyloft

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Okay Chapter one everyone hope you like it. Link if you do the honers. 

Link: Sure Carmen, Carmen doesn't own Legend of Zelda Skyward sword all rights to Nintendo and the designers of legend of Zelda Shigeru Miyamoto and Takashi Tezuka. also to a friend that is a Zelda fan Cloaked-Hylain this story is for you. 


Amber p.o.v

RING RING!!! my alarm went off then I gron as I was stretching then I look at my clock and it was 7:00 in the morning so I got up from my bed and got ready then walk down the hallways of the academy then stop at the lunch room waiting for the two brothers to come and join me to eat breakfast, cause I know that these two brothers take a long time to wake up especially Link. 

"Ugh, will is time for me to get up and duty calls and wait for those two boys to eat breakfast. knowing how link is Parrow have difficult waking up his little brother." I could image hows Parrow doing waking up Link to get ready, or maybe dragging him out of bed. I close my eyes and shook my head and before I left my bedroom I gave myself a quick look in the mirror and grab my books and backpack, to go to the lunch room and wait for the two boys. 

Then I look at the clock and saw it was 7:45 in the morning and I thought to myself but I was snap out of them when Parrow shout my named. *man they better hurry up cause the food is getting cold and not to mention were gonna be late for class.*  "Hey Amber! sorry if were late you know hows my little brother is always hard to wake him up." I look at Parrow and smiled then I saw Link walking towards us. "Nah your good Parrow, anyway ready to eat breakfast then go to class cause is 7:50 and we have like what nine minutes left." I look at them both and they nod after we were done eating we grab our stuff and went to our classes. After we went to our classes we put our books in our rooms and went outside to fly in our loft wings knowing me I like to explore everything you know having a small adventure. 

"Too much homework, how come we have a lot of homework." Link Said then I look at Parrow and I told him about taking a little relaxer up in the skies in our loft wings. "That's teachers for you Link, so anyway Parrow I was thinking that we should put our books in our rooms and take a relaxer up in the skies in our loft wings?." Link and I look at him and then he smiled and nod at us then we went outside the academy to the platform and all three of us jump off and called our loft wings. 


"Will here we are are you guy's ready to jump and enjoy the wind blowing through our hairs?." we all look at each other and then nod and jumped off the platform. "Omg Amber this is relaxing, and is a perfect weather to be flying." Link said and I smiled at him then I saw Parrow coming closer to me. "So Amber how's your day going so far." "Oh is going by fine just here and there you know school business." "Yeah I feel ya on that as will, let me guess you wanted to go on a little adventure that's why you bought your adventure pack right Amber." I look him and I felt my face turning red then I shook it off and gave him a smiled that he knows that he was right. " I know i'm right, I know you since childhood Amber. 

Hey brother were gonna land to another Island be careful and don't wonder off okay brother." "Yeah I be fine brother don't worry go on your "little date."  Parrow and I look at each other then we smiled and while we saw another island we jump off and landed safe and sound.

 "Man that was nice, will then let's explore this Island and see what do we fine." "will let's go come on." We pulled out our swords then explore the island that we landed in. "Watch out Amber are you okay, are you hurt." "I'm fine Parrow, lets keep moving keep your guard up." 

We were walking then I saw a waterfall and we both stop, then I told Parrow if he ever imaged going below the surface.  "So Parrow, have you ever image going below the surface to see what's down there or what is like?. " "Actually I always wanted to go down there and see what is down there but I tell you what Amber." "What?." "One of these days the three of us will go down below and see what is like, we might get in a lot of trouble but at least we already know what is it like down there." I look at Parrow laying down and then I return to look down and I just though to myself. "hope that day comes fast." I close my eyes and join Parrow to take a nap myself. 


We both woke up by Link shouting at us saying that it was getting late and I look up in the sky and saw the sun was sitting then I grab my sword and shield and Parrow and I jump off the Island and called our loft wings and all three of us flew fast to reach to Skyloft but then a black tornado came and freak our loft wings then I pulled out my ocarina to play a song and it disappear and we arrive at Skyloft before night fall.  "Hey you guy's is getting late, we have to be by Skyloft before nightfall, if we don't get there in time we'll be in trouble." "Oh crap he's right, lets go Parrow come on." "Wow what is that?." "I don't know but stay close Amber and Link, I don't want any of you to get hurt." "Wait my ocarina if i play it, maybe it will disappear. there is gone guy's, lets go come on."  We jumped off from our loft wings and ran to the academy into our rooms before the night patrol came and check if we were in bed.  "wow that was a close one." 

I check then I knock at Parrow door and he open it and the three of us talk about what we counter today. "Hey you guy's asleep yet?." "No, but come in Amber we have to talk about what happen, I never seen a black tornado before this is odd." "Very odd guy's, but lucky no one got hurt or worse suck in." "Yeah that's good, but we never saw this before so we all three got to be careful when we're going to fly okay." I nod at Link and Parrow then I just thought about why would  a black tornado will appear in skyloft and what does it want?.


Wow I never expect Chapter 1 to be long, but anyway hope you guy's vote and comment and our three knights encounter a black tornado. I'll be working on chapter 2 okay guy's thats all i gotta say and hope you guy's like this chapter. I work so hard on writing it. 


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