Ch.21- Capture

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Link: hey guys link here, I'm gonna update this story and also vote and comment guys.

Ghirahim p.o.v

I look at my princess sleeping peacefully and what's also grate is that she wing escaped do to the chains put her in, then I snap my fingers and my red cape appear around her neck that she won't be cold. Until she woke up.

"Man is good to have you back Carmen. I was getting really lonely. But you won't ever escape from me ever again, you'll stay here with me forever and I'll make sure." She open her eyes then look at me and she was trying to move until she heard the noise of the chains and look up. "What happens to me... Why I'm I chained? What are you looking at." "Oh is that what I get from saving you in skyloft." "Saved me, you kidnap me Ghirahim and let me go, these chains are hurting my wrist. And whats your cape doing around me?." I laugh and then I snap my fingers making the diamonds gains even tighter and then I appear in front of her chain with my gloved hand and look at her lips. "Oh Carmen you really don't know huh, still clueless." "Don't you dare kiss..." "Mmm I miss your soft sweet lips against mine Carmen. I wonder how does your body taste..." I kiss her again and then I let her chin go and I snap my fingers and a red cloth appear on her moth then fall asleep again do to a liquid I put. "Sleep while you can Carmen. I won't harm you yet but that sky hold won't come and I'll make sure non of your so called family won't come. I look at her and then I left and close her cell door.


Link p.o.v

I went to Carmen class to eat lunch with her while I was walking the halls I saw the classroom door broken and then my friend pipit came up to me and tell me that Ghirahim came and took her. I ran to Parrow and Amber who were waiting for me until I told them and Amber eyes widen along with Parrow's

"Man I can't wait to pick up Carmen and eat lunch with her, she's gonna have the best pumpkin soup ever. " I look at the classroom door then I ran. "What happen here, is everyone okay." "Link oh thank the goddess you can, I gotta tell you something." "Say it" "Ghirahim the demon lord came and took Carmen away" I stood there and making my hands into a fits then I thank pipit "thank you pipit don't worry Carmen I'll save your from your prison again." I look at Amber and Parrow then o stop to catch my breath. "Wow what wrong little brother." "Yeah link what's wrong, where's my sister Carmen at?." "That's why I can to you guys. Ghirahim came and kidnap Carmen again, we got to save her." Amber eyes widen then Parrow and she got up and wipe my tears away. " well save her link. This is no time to be crying, and I will do anything to get my sister back." "And I'm helping you brother, Carmen is like a little sister to me as will she makes this group fun. And us three won't rest until we save her from her prison again." I hugged them both and then we went to the at form and called our loftwing and then while I was on my loftwing I look up in the skies and thought to myself. "Don't worry Carmen, I'll save you and I won't rest until your okay and safe in my arms once again my sky princess..."

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