Ch.2-Black Tornado

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Okay guys ch.2 of whirlwind hope you guys like it. On to the story also this chapter will have two p.o.v's

"I nod at link and Parrow then I just thought about why would a black tornado will appear in sky loft and what does it want?."

Amber p.o.v

It was Saturday morning and I got up and met with the guys in the library and we talked about what happened yesterday sundown then link decided to test it out, and Parrow and I went after him.

"Man why I'm I still keep thinking on what happened yesterday. What does it want I don't get it but we got to be careful." I sigh and then I grab my boom and went to the library and I read while I was waiting on he guys. "These guys are sure taking a long time to get here." "Hey amber, sorry we took long." I look up from the chapter of my book that I was reading and then went back to finish the chapter and close my book, got up and went to a study group room. "Okay we could talk more about what happened, is more quoted and why here let's just say that "the walls have ears." I look at the both of he knights and then link speak up to brake the since. "About the black tornado, does anyone know why it will appear in Sky loft?." "No we don't know why, but I'm afraid that this tornado will do something to one of us. I look at Parrow making his hands into fits then I lay my hand on it making him to clam down and it did then Link spoke up. "If we go up in the skies again and test it out..." "Out of the question LINK, please don't say that ever again. Look I'm not mad at you just worried that it might take you what I'm I gonna do little brother." "Will I got to do things on my own, if you guys don't like it then I'll just go and see what does it want."
I look at Link getting up and running out of the library and then we both chased after him and when we were up in the skies we saw the clouds and the black tornado. "Link hold up, link!. This kid man." Parrow wait up, I'm going too, link just wait for a second." "You can't make me to change my mind guys I'll be fine." "Wait is not safe... Above all the goddess this kid will kill me one of these days." "Don't say that Parrow he just need to grow up a bit, and I know he will right?." I look at Parrow and he gave me that sheepish smiled that he ever gave me and when we both reach to the platform link was already in his loft wing. "LINK COME BACK HERE NOW, STOP BEING SELFISH!." "NO!." "I'm going after him Amber, you stay here." "Hell no, I'm coming too, cause I don't want nothing bad happens to you guys both but mostly you Parrow ." "okay then let's go." We both jumped from the platform and then chased after link then we both saw the black tornado and the clouds turning dark.

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