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3rd POV

Natsu sighed. ''I have to...?"

Lucy nodded. "Well, duh you stupid idiot." Natsu looked at her. "That was a bit harsh, don't you think?" Lucy looked at him. "no."

She turned towards the other trees and walked a few meters ahead and said, "I am guessing you got newmagic abilities. Judging these slash marks, and dead trees, your power has grown, but you have gotten weak. Your aura is strong, but you still have a long way to go." Lucy turned around, her eyes suddenly cold. "You seem like you were effected by me leaving." Her eyes bore into his soul, her gaze freezing Natsu's heart.

Natsu shrugged it off, and narrowed her eyes. "Why wouldn't I be? The entire guild was effected."

"Maybe because it seemed you were the one who would have cared the least." Lucy hissed, her fists clenching.

"Why would I carethe least?" Natsu asked, his choulders tensing.

Lucy took a step towards him, silent. "You were the one who compelledme to leave." She said quietly. Natsu looked at her, a poker face on.

".....you know I didn't mean that." Natsu said.

"....oh, you didn't? I could have sworn you mant it when you told me to 'get out of myfucking sight. I hate you.' I could have sworn you meant it when you shot fire at me." Lucy snarled, her dark eyes unreadable. Natsu felt the urge to step back, but he met her eyes, and stood his ground.

"I was driven by anger, Lucy. I couldn't think straight-"

Lucy cut him off by grabbing his chin, and pulling his face down to hers, her eyes glowing faintly. Natsu winced slightly when her nails dug into his skin, drawing some blood. "of course you weren't." Lucy hissed viciously, digging her nails further inside his cheeks, putting some of her magic in her fingers, causing the cut to burn slightly. Natsu began to try to pull back, but Lucy grabbed his arm, pulling him to her, her body radiating golden light. Natsu felt the light get hotter and hotter, but he looked into Lucy' eyes.

"Am I hurting you?" She said, venom flowing through her words. Her eyes were filled with pain, anger, sadness, and power. Natsu couldn't understand her. Yes she was hurting him, but he wouldn't admit that. Instead he narrowed his eyes, and looked into hers.

"I'm not?" She narrowed her eyes, digging her nails painfully deeper in his cheeks. She let more of her gold magic flow through her fingers, her magic seeping in his skin, making the burning sensation get more painful. He tried pulling awayagain, but Lucy wouldn't let him go.

''How does it feel, Natsu?" She got close to his face, her eyes getting golden fluid in them. The golden fluid swirled around with teh brown of her eyes, looking both scary and awesome. "Do feel weak and helpless against a stronger person?"

Natsu felt something he hadn't felt in a long time.


He failed at hiding his fear, making Lucy twist her mouth in a unrecognizable harsh grin. It waspure evil. "So youare afraid, eh?"

Her nails dug into his arm, more of her magic flowing through him. He winced in pain. "O-ow..."He whispered,his eyes closing. It felt as if his blood was literally boiling, his skin on fire, a feeling he hasn't felt before. Lucy growled, feeding off of his pain. His pain made her stronger.

"This is how it felt Natsu. This pain is how it felt when you called me weak. When you told me you hated me." She let the magic flow to his heart, and Natsu yelled out in pain.

"This is what it felt like when you broke my heart." Lucy snarled, her voice unrecognizeable.

Natsu couldn't breathe. This pain was too much. He was beginning to see black.

Lucy leaned into his ear. "I loved you Natsu. So, so much."

His heart stopped, and for a second he felt happy, but then his heart was stabbed with pain.

"That has disappeared." More power seeped into Natsu's veins, his blood, his heart, his brain. Natsu yelled in pain, and blood trickled down his arm and neck.

Lucy pushed him backwards, harshly, fearing she would go too far if she kept on feeding off on his pain. Natsu fell back, hitting the ground harshly,  the pain radiating through him. He thrashed, and Lucy watched in both horror and amazement as she seen golden light show through his skin, showing where it flowed, up the different veins in his head, his arms, his legs.

Is this what I have become? A cold hearted monster? Lucy asked herself as she watched tears stream down Natsu's face, remembering the pain she went through when she got her power.


lucy pov

"Ready?" She asked me, holding her hands over my chest. I nod, bracing myself for the pain. "It is going to hurt, Lucy."

"I know! Just get it over with!" I yelled, making her jump. The other person held my hand. "Just don't die, okay?"


She put her hands on my chest, and automatically pain seered through me. I screamed, feeling the  magic invade me. The pain was unimagineable. I screamed and screamed, thrashing under multiple people's grips, sweatgathering on my forehead.

"STOP! SHE CAN'T TAKE ANYMORE!" He yelled, going to push her off.

"N-No! I-i c-can do i-it!'' I manage to say. The pain gets worse, voices flow through my head, my past flows by my eyes, my future flashes by, everything blurry, and everything flashed gold, then black.

*end of flashback*

3rd POV

Lucy watched as tears flow down Natsu's face, landing on the ground. Lucy wiped away a golden tear, and Natsu stopped trashing, and his headflopped to the side.

Lucy walked up to him, and his eyes opened slowly. He slowly turned his head towards her, his face stained with tears and pain.

"Don't mess with me. That was your only warning." She noticed how deep his wounds were, but ignored that.

She walked off, leaving a heartbroken Natsu on the floor.

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