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"So Lucy, where did you go?" Erza asked. They were on a train to a city. Then they would get off and walk to the forest. There have been sightings of monsters of all kinds, and bandits from ages 17-46 robbed the kind village who lived there. Originally, Erza was going to go alone, butshe invited Lucy so she can see just how powerful Lucy has become.

Lucy looked out the window and at therocks and trees and grass. "A place."

Natsu shook his head at Erza, and Erza cocked her head, ignoring Natsu's warning. "Where was the place? We sent many people after you, including the best of the best at tracking, but you just.... disappeared." Erza looked at Lucy's face for information, but seen none.

"I was in the Celestial World. I will not tell you how I got there, because I promised the Celestial King I wouldn't tell anyone.'' Lucy turned to Erza, her eyes expressionless. Like a doll. A dangerous doll.

"What did you do there?" Erza sat forward. Lucy narrowed her eyes a fragment and Natsu shook his head quickly at Erza. Erza's eyes flickered to him, and back at Lucy. She wanted to test Lucy's patience and if she would snap and attack Erza if she got pestered enough.

"I trained. Trained. Trained. trained. And, oh, I trained." Lucy said, her voice monotone. Erza nodded. "Who were you with?"


"Why did you go there?" Erza asked, entertwining her hands together, nervous.

Lucy turned her head away to the window, and gave Erza a death look from the corner of her eye that sent chills to the nosey guy behind them, who was indeed listening to their conersation. Her eyes were filled with anger and distrust. Erza's eyes widened. She never seen that in Lucy before. What happened to her?!

"I prefer not to tell anyone. Especially not my guildmates." Lucy's words dripped with murderous rage. Erza sat back in her seat, meeting Natsu's eyes, and looking at his bandages, finally understandinghow Lucy can do that to Natsu.

"Why?" Erza said. "We love you. We are famil-"

"Aw, dont give me that crap. I heard everyone of you calling me weak, useless, boring, and unneccesary in Fairy Tail. I ignored it and put on a smile. Then Natsu over here," Lucy's eyes started to slightly glow, and Erza began feeling panicked, "Broke the last straw. Called me weak. Stuff like that. Minor. Stuff. Drop the act Erza. Just say none of you like me. You were just nice to me because of my last name and because i was part of your so called 'family'. I know it Erza. I'm not the dumb blond i used to be." Lucy's muscles tensed.

Erza's eyes began stinging. So this is what Lucy seen Fairy Tail as? A family that hated her?

"If you feel that way, then why don't you leave?" Erza asked, and Natsu began dragging a finger across his throat, a bit green, but Lucy slammed her fist on his stomach, knocking him out.

Lucy leaned forward. "Because I want to hurt every single one of you. And I have already started."

Tears flowed down Erza's face. Why did she ask Lucy to go on a job with her? She regretted it.

The man listening to their conversation gave an 'oooooooooooooooOoooOooooooooooooOOOOooooo'.

Lucy turned around, slamming the guy's face on the seat. "Quit listening." The guy slid down the seat, and just then, Erza seen Lucy.

A monster. A power hungry, cold-hearted monster who seeks revenge. Lucy had changed. A rage filled person who wanted blood. Power. Death. An Angel of Death.

Lucy sat back in her seat, and gave an unrecognizable crooked evil grin. "Do you still believe I am the same?" Lucy made a pouty face. "Because I am not."

A Cold hearted MonsterWhere stories live. Discover now