27- The E.nd pt 1

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Ooooh shnap, the chapter has a title! it is getting serious! anyways, ik i dont have that many reads now on my recent chapters but those of you who are still here thanks! This will only happen to those who reveal themselves an hour and a half if you guys want anyways back to the story....


Lucy panicked. She felt herself slipping away, felt the darkness taking over, and her vision was blacking out. "Natsu... warn the guild... get... get out
.. get out of here, now!"

Nastu nodded, and without a glance he turned away just as Lucy slipped away.

Lucy opened her eyes. She was once again surrounder by darkness. She looked down at herself, and she was encased in a skintight leotard thing made of light.

Lucy heard a laugh. She turned around and pushed the darkness away, and instead she filled the atmosphere with light.

But Yami just Laughed. Lucy stood up, her hair flowing around her as if she was in water. Her hair was braided with strands of light. A part of her mind wondered where these clothes came from. She pushed the thought away and she suddenly remembered her and Natsu's moments together....

"I see... You love him." The god laughed harshly. Lucy growled and a shot light at him, but he easily dodged it. Lucy narrowed her eyes.

"None of your business, monster."

In an instant, He lunged at Lucy and he grabbed her neck. Lucy grit her teeth against the pain. Where his hand was, her skin burned and sizzled and bubbled. But the weird thing is... Is that his skin was bubbling too. Last time, she would attack him with no result. But now...

She gagged at his smell and she shot a beam of light out of her hands and into his stomach. With the smallest of gasps, he let go and she backed away and crouched.

"Oh, but you see it is. The more you love somebody....the more exciting it becomes to kill them."

Lucy gasped in shock. Then she felt anger boil in her belly and she shot out a stream of light. Yami dodged it easily and clucked his tongue. "You are weaker than I thought. How disappointing. To think I have waited 3 years to finally-AH!"

Lucy had hit him in the stomach, and left a hole. But the hole quickly was refilled with his sludge and Yami gave her a murderous look. "You talk too much." Lucy said.

But her brain was going on over drive as she shot more light from her hands. She hit him some more, but she also missed and his darkness was closing in.

He said he was waiting 3 years... what had happened three years ago? Right... well three and a half but.... She left the guild. In a way.

She left to get stronger-

She cried out when the darkness found a break in her light barrier and it impaled her. She fell on her knees as the darkness spread through her body. She could see it as tendrils, running over her skin. Yami laughed. "You lost your concentration, Wizard."

Lucy gritted her teeth. She can't afford this...she made her barrier again and she forced the darkness away. The pain faded, and she allowed herself a thought.

If he is the god of fear...then who was afraid on the day she left?

She shook her head and leapt at him, strengthening her barrier.


Natsu sprinted away, wiping away the tears. After all this time... But he ignored the pain in his heart and stomach. He arrived where eveyrone else was at.

Natsu yelled, "Out, everybody, OUT!"

everybody looked at him, took in his clothes that were half on, his overly ruffled hair and they grinned. "Why, so you can have priva-"


There was an explosion and the entire guild hall trembled. Everybody was quiet. Then suddenly the mood dropped. Everybody knew what was happening.

They all ran out of the guild. Master looked back and he cursed. "I feel an immense magic pressence...bigger than before."

Natsu turned around towards everybody, and he ignored the other explosions that made the ground rumble... was it his imagination or did he hear laughing? "Remember, act by the plan! Do not make sudden changes unless nesassary! If you do, contact everyone through Wakaba's-"

With an explosion bigger than the rest of them combined, the guild hall came crumbling down. Natsu looked up and cursed. "Guys! Be careful, it is night out! She gets strength from the stars!"

He felt the nerves. He felt the hatred and the sorrow.... and he turned to the guild hall.

He saw a figure emerging. Lucy's body.

He tensed his muscles, a list of possible spells he could cast in his mind. He heard mumbles and prayers and a sob.

The image of Lucy''s body flashed through his mind and he tossed it away. Lucy was Not gonna die. Not today.

She stepped out of the flames. She had her hands extended, her hair loose and burned at the edges, her skirt and top had black scorches on them. Her boot was on fire. She had a grin on her face that showed every bit of her white teeth. Her eyes were bleeding gold and that black goo. She laughed and she walked towards all of them.

Then, everybody split. They went their own ways, down alleys, on roof tops, or through stores and Natsu leapt to his left and down an alley.

Come out, little Fairies... Don't hide! Come out and play with me!

Natsu jumped on top of a trash can, and he heard an explosion behind him. He looked up and there was blinding light and he winced. He jumped off of the trash can and onto a flight of those stairs on sides of buildings. He climbed those until he reached the top of the building, and he looked out at Magnolia.

He saw figures on the roofs, crouching. He crept towards the edge and he looked down expecting a murderous blond. But he didn't see anything.

Nice view, huh?

Natsu was startled by Lucy's voice and he felt a searing pain on his left arm. He tried to move but the grip was strong. He yelled in frustration and he threw his hand back, grabbing Lucy's--no, it's-- face and shooting fire out of his palms. That shocked her for a moment and that gave him time to run away. He felt his arm starting to blister and he cursed.

Don't you know, silly Fairies? The mice never outrun the cat.


oi, sorry for the bad ending lol... im not that good at actions scenes, but I am gonna try to make this better! a quick update for you guys while i still have access to a computer. anyways, this computer is being a butt so see you later!

(Bring tissues cause it might get emotional for some, lol)

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