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Lucy stopped mid-lunge, and scoffed. "Like I would attack you. There is nothing to attack... Nothing but two helpless mice." She growled. She turned away, and Natsu watched her as she walked away. 

"How did she end up this way?" Natsu remembered her smile, he missed the sound of her yelling at him.... but now all she was.... was a monster. What had happened to her?

Natsu looked down at Erza, and her eyes slowly opened. "N-Natsu?"

"I'm here...just shush and get some rest.." He looked at the bushes Lucy had disappeared into. Erza grunted. "I'm not some damsel in distress-"

"Erza, shut up." Erza growled at Natsu, but he held his hand up. "I know what she did to you, and I know how much it hurts. She did the same to me, and nearly killed me, Erza. So don't brush it off and pretend that nothing is wrong. I know you hurt." Natsu sighed, and Erza looked down.

Natsu closed his eyes. "Come on, we have to go.... We aren't doing this job anymore. Not with Lucy. When we get back, we will tell Master that Lucy is-"

Natsu was tackled, and he yelled. 

"You won't be telling master anything." 

Natsu looked up at Lucy. "What the he-"

"If you tell him, then I will unleash my power on the entire guild. We don't want that, now do we?"Lucy grinned evilly.

"....you are a fucking monster, you know that?"

Lucy smiled innocently. "Aw, don't flatter me! Please!" Her look became flat. "And, go ahead and run back to your guild. You guys were only meant to go so far before i attacked you. Ah, you don't know the different between bait and friendliness."

Natsu growled, and threw her off. "I don't know why I ever loved you."

Lucy pretended to look hurt, and then she snarled. "Aw. I don't give two craps. Shut the fuck up about loving me. You ruined it long ago, Salamander. Go. Go run off with your tail in between our legs. Go."

Natsu growled. Lucy stood, arms crossed. "Go run, Salamander."

Natsu yelled. "FUCK YOU!"

Lucy smirked, and Natsu threw Erza over his shoulder, and ran out of the forest.


When they arrived at teh guild, everyone rushed forward. 

"What happened-"

"WHo did this-"


"Where is Lucy-"

"I swear-"

"EVERYONE SHUT UP AND GET ERZA TO THE INFIRMARY!" Natsu yelled. everyone became silent, and Wendy nodded. She picked Erza up by one shoulder, and Romeo took her other shoulder,and they carried her to the infirmary.

Gray walked up to Natsu. "Who did this?"

Natsu looked him in the eyes, and Gray shook his head. "She wouldn't have..."

"But she did."

"What?" Gajeel asked. "Who?"

"Lucy did this to erza." Natsu sighed.

Levy covered her mouth. "I-It was easy to understand why she did that to you-"

"Gee, thanks." Natsu said sarcastically.

"-but I don't know why she would doit to Erza!" Levy sniffled.

"Isn't it obvious, Levy? I want revenge on the entire guild."

Everyone turned to see Lucy, standing in the doorway. They started to say something, but Levy cut in.

"Why? Erza never did anything-"

"And how would you know? Were you in my head? Were you-"

"You never told me, Lu-chan!" Levy yelled, and Gajeel put his han on her shoulder. "Shrimp-"

"I didn't always tell you everything, Levy." Lucy snarled. "And don't call me Lu-chan. I am not your Lu-chan or Lucy-san or Lucy-kun. I'm not the same person." Lucy bent down, and put her face in Levy's face. "If you call me Lu-chan again, I will fuck you up."

Levy' eyes widened. Gajeel growled, and he punched Lucy in the face. "Don't talk to Levy like that, you bitch!"

Lucy rubbed her cheek. A gold substance dripped from a cut. Lucy looked up at Gajeel, venom in her eyes. "You made me bleed."


Lucy shoved Levy out of the way, and grabbed Gajeel by the neck. Gajeel kicked Lucy's stomach, but she was not fazed. "You made a mistake, Redfox."

Gajeel glared up at her. "WHat the fuck happened to you-"

He stopped when Lucy began pumping her magic in him. He yelled out in pain, and Levy screamed. Jet and Droy tried to tackle her, but she deflected them.

"It's Like a shield is surrounding her!" Jet yelled.

"LUCY!" Natsu yelled. His fire whips formed, and he lashed at Lucy with them, but there was no effect. Levy screamed spells, Cana threw cards, bisca shot her guns, everyone did something, but there was no effect.

Lucy ignored all of the attacks, and pumped more magic in his veins. She whispered something in his ear, and his eyes widened. Gajeel screamed, and fell to his knees. Lucy kicked him, and yelled, "DON'T MESS WITH ME."

Gajeel's eyes closed, and Lucy stopped. She threw him on the ground, and Levy ran towards Gajeel. She yelled, "GAJEEL!!" and she started crying.

Lucy smirked. "Any one else?"

Everyone was quiet, and Lucy walked away, and out of the guild.

sorry, but i have no wifi still, and i am at my friends house!

but sorry for the short ending, i just needed to update since i left it at a cliff hanger



i watched more anime

i suggest:

Yuri!! on Ice

and thats it because I have no life...

*cough* but that has a bit of tiny yoai, but very god plots... (my friend suggested it)

next time,readers

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