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3rd POV

When Natsu and Lucy arrived at the guild, all eyes were on them. Everybody paused their activities to see how the trip of the former best friends went.

They were horrified by the results.

Natsu's clothes were burnt, revealing his hard 6 pack, which was red. The blood on his arm and chin had dried, leaving a trail of crusty red. Natsu's eyes were shadowed, and thewounds were deep. His scarf on his neck was singed at the edges, not too burnt, streaks of dried tears on his cheeks, his other arm was brusied in the shape of finger's.

Lucy's fingers. Lucy sat at the bar, her face masked. Natsu flopped onto a table, and put his head on his arms. The guild was quiet, and Mira looked at Lucy, horrified.

Erza walked to Natsu, and sat by him. She pulled his head gently towards her, and began wiping his face with a wet napkin. Natsu avoided eye contact with everyone, and everyone heard Erza mumble words to Natsu, but Natsu wouldn't reply.

Levy, sitting a seat away from Lucy, glanced at her best friend. Levy began to wonder if this new Lucy was even her friend anymore... she was so much different. Before, Levy remembered, she didn't like it when anyoneshecared about was hurt. She didn't like hurting anyone. But now, she hurt Natsu, badly. Levy moved her arm to reach out to Lucy, and then pulled back. Mira glanced at her, and Lucy said, "A coconut milkshake."

Mira nodded, looking at Levy and motioning her head towards Lucy who was mentally somewhere else.

Levy nodded as Mira went to work, and then Levy stood up to talk to Lucy, but then she felt a arm on her arm, pulling her back.

Levy looked back, seeing Gajeel. He looked at her, worry in his eyes. "Shrimp, don't go near her..." Gajeel pulled her away, towards the guild doors. He stopped, and moved to the side a bit. "Gajeel, I was going to-"

"No. You can't talk to her." Gajeel said, looking up at the golden haired mage. "Why? Lucy is my best friend!" Levy crossedher arms. Gajeel growled. "Does she look like your best friend? You haven't seen her in three years, and when she came back, she isa completley different person! Before, she wouldn't have harmed Salamander! SHe wasn't even strong enough to! Now look at him." Gajeel pointed to Natsu, who was getting cleaned up by Erza. "Look at the damage she did to him." Gajeel faced Levy again. "Would your best friend ever have done that to Natsu?"

"....." Levy met Gajeel's eyes, and looked back at Lucy. Lucy was sipping her coconut milkshake. She used to alwaysdrink strawberry.... Levy's eyes began to sting. She remembered the good times she had with Old Lucy. She remembered getting drunk with Lucy, having sleep overs with her, partying with her.

But now Lucy was different. She changed. Whatever she had done over the three years changed her dramatically. They made her stronger, faster, deadlier. Levy heard the rumor thatLucy attacked a guy, but she didn'tbelieve it. She refused to believe it. Then Levy seen what Lucy is capable of. She harmed Natsu.

Tears slowly flowed down her face, as Gajeel hugged her from behind.

(when ever i am hugged from behind, usually by guys, i karate chop their nuts 😂😂 just saying... does anyone else do that?)

Levy watched as Wendy sat in front of Natsu, and began healing his wounds. Natsu just closed his eyes until his wounds were better. Wendy opened her eyes, and stood up, eyes filled with worry.

Levy looked at Lucy again. Tears ran faster, and dripped off her small chin. Levyturned towards Gajeel, burrying her facein his chest.

Natsu stood up, ignoring all of the looks he was earning. He walked out of the guild towards his own house. He watched his feet, thoughts running around like crazy.

He knew he deserved this. He knew he needed to be hurt. He needed the punishment.

He held back a bitter laugh. In a way, it was karma.

Natsu hurt Lucy, Lucyhurt Natsu.

'I loved you Natsu. So, So much.'

'That has dissapeared.'

Lucy's word echoed in Natsu's mind as he remembered how scary she looked. Her hair framing her beautiful face, her eyes filled with hatred and vengence, golden light pulsing from her fingers and into his wounds, the golden light burning him.

The words became louder and louder as Natsu walked to his home. People looked at him, and avoided him. Natsu remembered the pai-

A blinding golden light flashed in his eyes, temporarily blinding him. Natsu yelled out. People around him screamed, dropping to the ground. They covered their eyes, and rolled on the ground yelling ''My eyes!!" and "I CAN'T SEE!!!"

Natsu fell back, yelling out in pain. What was that?!

The golden light flashed again, and he screamed, along with the other people. This seems like Lucy's magic... Natsu thought. Maybe if I get away from the people....

Natsu, blinded, stood up, and stumbled. The flash happened again, making him fall again. Natsu started running.

'I loved you Natsu. So, So much.'

'That has dissapeared.'

'I loved you Natsu. So, So much.'

'That has dissapeared.'

'I loved you Natsu. So, So much.'

'That has dissapeared.'

'I loved you Natsu. So, So much.'

'That has dissapeared.'

'I loved you Natsu. So, So much.'

'That has dissapeared.'

'I loved you Natsu. So, So much.'

'That has dissapeared.'

'I loved you Natsu. So, So much.'

'That has dissapeared.'

The words echoed in Natsu's mind, starting out as a whisper, and ended up as a shout.


Natsu yelled out, and clutched his head, the flash exploding in front of his eyes. He ran faster.


Natsu skidded around a corner, almost to his house.

She doesnt love you anymore..... she hates you.... run away, spare her! SHE. HATES. Y-

The voice automatically stopped once he touched his door. He swung the door open, the flashing stopping, and he collapsed on his wood floor, knocking out.



what a chapter, eh? 😶😅😅 anyways! halloween, my birthday, is in 9 days!!!!(i think) what areyou going to be? i think i am going to be some type of DC comics female super villian, or Marvel villian but i hope you are enjoying the book! pssst! lucy has changed huh? are you wondering what happened to her? well once this gets 120 votes for the entire book, i will reveal what happened to lucy!!! yes, i have the entire story planned out but why is it taking me so long to update? because i was played by a play boy. yep. he has been trying to get at me for a while and he finally got to me. yup. yes, yes, author-san is a stupid idiot 😅 but not only that, i have school and halloween shopping to do!

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