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Natsu couldn't look.

He turned away from the sight.

Lucy was chained to the wall.

She demanded Natsu to chain her to a wall but he wouldn't do it, so she had Gajeel knock her out and do it.

Her head was slumped, and her arms were chained in a 45 degree angle, both of her arms were completely encased with iron. Her legs were tied together with chains, and she there were cuffs that were drilled into the wall on her thighs, calves, ankles, wrists, biceps, stomach, and neck.

The vision of her dead body flashed before his eyes, and he stumbled, catching himself on a pillar. He looked back at Lucy.

She lifted her head, and she grinned. The black liquid dipped from her mouth, lowly trickled down her chin, and it dripped on her shirt. Her head cocked and she said, "I feel your fear...."

Natsu gritted his teeth, "Get out of Lucy, you monster."

She.... no, it gave a chilling laugh. "I am in everyone. I am fear itself. I cannot simply get out-"

"Of course you fucking can, and I will prove it." Natsu's hand lit in a red fire, and it looked at his hand, unamused.

"Is that supposed to s-scare me? I can controll your fears, demon. You fear so much, I don't even have to try." Its voice was filled with fake pity.

"Natsu, ignore it!" Mira yelled. A lot more people yelled at him, but nobody dared moving after what happened to Erza.

"Don't call me that." Natsu growled.

"Why? It is one of your fears... along with losing your precious Lucy... and your fellow guild members finding out your secret about-"

"SHUT UP, YOU STUPID DICK WAD!" Natsu shouted, and it looked at him in a confused way.

"You fear me, yet you talk to me in such a manner? Brave, but stupid. I have lived since the beginning of time and I have-"

Natsu picked up a chair and chucked it at it. He figured since his fire didn't effect her body, neither would a chair.

He watched as the chair collided with it's head, and broke into pieces, and it's head slumped.

I'm coming. Sooner then you expect.

The guild members all looked up, hearing the voice echo throughout the guild hall.

And when I do come, I will kill everyone and everything

And there is nothing you can do to stop me.

There was a moment of silence.

Then everybody began yelling.





Everybody was quiet at the sound if their guild master's voice.

"We are not going to kill her. We will find a way to keep her from killing everybody, and we will do so in a peaceful manner!"

"Peaceful?! She just threatened to kill us!" Wendy shouted. "I... I don't want to hurt Lucy, but she will kill us all if we dont do something! We can't just sit down and have a cup of tea with her, Gramps! We all love her, but... peace isn't gonna solve this."

Everybody looked at Wendy. They weren't used to her saying this. Everyone was quiet, and Master nodded.

"Yes, I know. But we will find a way to stop this, without anyone getting hurt." Makarov looked down. "I don't want to see another one of my children dead."

"Gramps..." Natsu said, looking up. "It hurts me to say this.. but Wendy is right. It kills me by thinking that after losing Lucy for so long, we finally have her back, and we have to kill her. there is no other way! There is not a single was to prevent this from happening.." Tears started forming at his eyes. "And if it means that I have to die, then I will. There will be a death, Gramps. I know you know it. So stop trying to sugarcoat this."

It seemed odd to everyone. Natsu was confronting Makarov, and he just sat there, the sad look in his eyes deepening.

Then he said something that made the guild's heart shatter.



yes, i love leaving you guys with a cliff hanger! yes yes, i'm a mean author

but to be honest, I never thought that this book would become this popular

i mean

i got the idea from looking at one single picture

i got the idea from looking at one single picture

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that one, yes

and my most popular book, The Badass and The Badboy, i came up with that while taking out the trash.

but yeah, when this book is done, i'm either gonna make a fan fic about maximum ride, or percy jackson, maybe another fairy tail...

but who knows

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