31- The E.N.D. pt 2

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Warning: There will be some spoilers for the anime/manga whatever! and this is gonna be my version of e.n.d. so if its off oh well


Natsu yelled as he felt the darkness swarming him all over. He screamed in pain as he felt his skin ripping apart, and his mind being intruded forcefully.

Don't fight me... Embrace me... This is happened with her... Let it happen and you can be closer in more ways...

Natsu heard the voice... and he fell on his knees, screaming in pain. His skin tore open even more on his back, his head, and on his arms and legs.

Tears rolled down his face as his life literally flashed before his eyes.

But he couldn't see that horns were growing on his head, curled and big. Big leathery red wings were erupting from his back, spilling more blood. His fingers bursted into scaly red claws, the skin on his legs exploding, leaving scales in its wake, and his trousers in tatters. 

Natsu screamed, curling over , on his hands and knees in his own blood. He threw up as he heard the demon laughing, telling him to accept him.

Accept me.. All the pain would stop. You let me out for a reason, you can't expect me to hold back. Hardly fair. Natsu screamed and threw up from the pain. His horns had completelyqqdcui]]] grown in, curled against his head and blood was dripping down his face.

Accept me...

Natsu saw Lucy coming back, changed.

No more pain.

He saw Lucy, nearly killing him.

Give me one command...

He saw Igneel, dying over and over again.

And I shall follow through with it.

He felt the pain, and he wanted it to stop. He shouldn't feel this... It is too much for a 20 year old to hold by himself. He screamed as he felt the enormous greif on Lucy hit him in the chest again. His mind filled with memories of Igneel, of the guild-

And he couldn't take it.

He snapped, and the demon inside of him laughed. Natsu wanted to forget everything, and he didn't care of he became a monster that destroyed.

Natsu sobbed, darker waves of pain and destruction and fear and evil radiated off of him.

Inside, the force took ahole of Natsu. It's heat was a haven to Natsu, and he retreated in it.

Now... One request. If E.N.D. could have smiled, he would have. He already knew what Natsu was going to say. And he knew what to do.

D....Defeat Lucy. Natsu thought, closing his eyes. Make sure the evil is gone from her...

And Natsu Dragneel dissappeared into E.N.D.

When his body opened it's eyes, the eyes were red slits, and his teeth were sharp.

He looked down at himself, examining himself.

Not bad...

His clothes were gone, which left his scaly legs that faded away when it approached his stomach, showing a bit of a V-line. His arms were scaled as well, and the back was too, around the places where his wings were.

E.N.D. grinned. He moved his wings and he cursed. Haven't done this in awhile..

Erza screamed as Lucy tore out her left eye. Ah, would you look at that. Poetic, isn't it? Both of your priginal eyes are now gone...

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