28-The E.n.d Pt 2

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Natsu panted. 'Guys, Lucy got me. My left arm, nothing bad but just be careful. She snuck up on Me....'

He heard someone curse. 'Snuck up on you? Wow. Okay. I will be careful. '

Natsu heard agreement and he looked down at his arm. It had stopped Blistering, but it ached. He looked around hearing nothing.

'Now. '

Then he heard a yell, and natsu looked up as he saw Mira in her She-Devil form. She was flying up and she was yelling at Lucy. "Come fight me, Demon!"

Natsu nodded and he jumped on a building, and he saw everybody running towards the forest, away from Magnolia. He looked back and saw Lucy fly up and he cursed. He didn't know she could fly.... But he looked closer and her keys we're floating a round her, vibrating and she was shining gold. She was chasing after Mira and she shot a stream of light, missing Mira.

Natsu watched as Mira led her out of town, helpless. He didn't know what to do. But he followed his guild mates, blasting fire out of his feet to make him go faster, burning his sandals in the process.

He kept an eye on Mira as she would spread her wings and fly faster. Natsu dodged a chimney and he almost fell into a trash can. He got his balance back with a bitter chuckle. He heard a yell, and looked up.

In a split second he saw Lucy appear in front of Mira, and she grabbed Mira's throat, but Mira yelled and she grabbed Lucy's wrist before she could do anything, and she threw Lucy towards the forest.

Lucy crashed through a roof of a shop, and right after that there was an explosion. Natsu cursed as he neared the explosion, and a few pieces hit him. He saw as Mira flew faster, and he dipped by the explosion and sucked out a few flames. They were bitter, and left a bad taste in his mouth, but he ignorrd that.

He saw Lucy rise. Her movements were still choppy and she turned to him. She was bleeding out of a scratch on her forehead and arm. Her keys vibrated and glowed as they levitate around her.

Mira, you made her bleed. Good.

Child's play. Quit running. It's getting bor-

She was cut off when Natsu blasted her in the face. She looked him in the eye. Her eyes were over filling with black goo, and it was leaking out her mouth, and ears. Natsu felt his heart break all over again, but he blocked it out. He can't let his feelings get in the way. But she just smiled, a crocodile grin. Finally. A worthy opponent... A demon. Oh, the fears I see in you... The countless-

Natsu turned and ran. He couldn't take it. Memories flashed through his head-- the day he sent Lucy away, how afraid he was,that she wouldn't ever see him as anything but her friend, his fear of killing his friends if his inner demon was released... Killing Lucy... The fears started taking form in his head.

He blocked it out. This was that things doing. He ran faster, boosting himself even more with fire shooting out of his hands. He felt a searing pain in his left arm. He yelled as Lucy hit him in the same place as last time. Pain erupted through his arm, but he thought, Nothing I haven't felt before.

Natsu tried ignoring the pain, and he looked back and Lucy was right on his tail. He almost shrieked but he bit his tongue. He reached back and blasted her in the face, and he saw that his magic was laced with gold. He blasted her again and she growled.

Just a little longer, Natsu. Keep distracting her.

Got it, Erza.

Natsu looked back ahead of him, and he saw the forest. Then he felt something collide with him in midair, and he fell to the ground with it. He hit his head on the wall of a building before landing hard on his back on concrete floor. Natsu groaned in pain, but it was cut short when he felt a hand press lightly against his mouth.

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