29-The E.n.d. Pt 3

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Im not gonna really out spells in the book, only the ones I am making up but for the ones natsu already has, and the ones I previously made up, I won't say the names cause I'm too lazy

Natsu and Sting bursted through the trees and gaped at what they saw.

There was a clearing that definitely wasn't there before. There were torn tree stumps in some places, but in almost all the trees were gone.

Natsu saw Erza fighting Lucy in the air. She was in her Heavenly Armor and she was currently throwing her blades at Lucy. But Lucy deflected them.

Natsu cursed and jumped into action. He yelled a spell that had popped in head.

"Celestial Dragon Flame!" He watched in surprise as a flame wider, brighter, stronger and overall bigger than any of his attacks shot out of his hands that were clasped in front of him. There were chunks if golden light mixed in with it... It hit Lucy in her back, as she was getting ready to attack Erza.

He heard her grunt, which seemed impossible over the sound. Lucy turned to him, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw Gray shoot ice towards Lucy, but it was deflected when it was close to her.

Natsu frowned, but in that small moment he wasn't paying attention, Lucy shot (I keep putting shit instead of shot lol. One of these days I'mma put shit a d confuse some people.) Lightout of her right hand while striking Gray with her left.

Natsu flinched, waiting for impact but the golden light was countered with another light source.

Natsu looked over and he saw Sting taking his hands away from his mouth.

"Let's see who's light is stronger, Lucy!" He yelled.

Lucy laughed. Incompetent dragon slayer. You are no match for me.

She aimed her right her at Sting as she turned towards Erza who was about to attack her, and shot her right in the stomach, where her armor opened up.

Erza yelled in pain as she fell towards the ground, crashing with a hard thump.

Natsu watched as more spells were being thrown, but they were being deflected. Lightning bounced away, wind and iron and water and shadows and all of the other magics we're driven away. There was a slight shimmer surrounding Lucy right when it was deflected...

"Barrier! There is a barrier around her!" Natsu yelled. That got the attention of most people, but not all. Mira repeated Natsu and everyone was quiet for moment.

Then Natsu shouted his Celestial Dragon Spell (which he supposed originated from Lucy and his powers combined but he wasn't entirely sure) and this time Lucy was prepared for it.

The blast went further than the other magic spells but Lucy crossed her arms, and deflected it. The fire disappeared into the air.

"But my magic works!"

He wasn't sure how, but he had an idea.


Last second, Lucy threw up a barrier, blocking the spike and she dropped down and rolled out of the way before jumping up and blasting him. She put up a barrier as more spikes came down, and she blocked his words out. No more talking.

She weakened the barrier in a spot and she stuck out her left hand and she blasted him again. She hit his face and she took advantage. She knew he yelled out but she didn't care. She expanded her barrier, and then made it explode around her so the spikes fell away. That same second, she clasped both hands in front of her and she yelled. She felt the skin in her palms tear and melt from the extra powerful burst of energy. She smelt burning flesh as she pushed harder screaming in pain. She aimed for his head, but he dodged and stabbed her leg, side, and arm with spikes. She hit is stomach again, and she dropped her hands.

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