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just to let yall know, ima be adding new magic techniques if you haven't noticed already. but yeah, i hope you enjoyed the book so far...

i do have quite a bit planned *evil laugh*

3rd POV

Lucy thrashed in her sleep.

She was having the same nightmares, the same nightmare she has been having since she learned her new Celestial Magic.

The darkness overwhelmed her, taking over her body, controlling the every move she makes. She had no control, her keys vibrating and levitating up, she heard screams. The screams yelled her name, and blood began pooling at her feet. It became ankle deep, and then, like all the other dreams, Natsu was on his knees. But this time, he spoke. 'You will kill us all...'. He fell face first in the blood, and Lucy looked down at her hands, which were covered with blood. She looked around, all of her guild members falling to the ground, Wendy, Levy, Gajeel, Erza, Makarov, Carla, Happy, Cana, Jet, Droy, Mira, Lisanna, Elfman, everyone. Lucy's hands began to glow, and she screamed. The glow spread up her arm, down her legs, around her waist, breasts, thighs, everywhere, melting her clothes, and some parts of her skin.

The voice echoed everywhere. You will kill them all. Your fate has been decided. You will kill EVERYONE.

With another scream, Lucy exploded, leaving a blast with the power of a star's explosion, and the explosion spread like a virus, burning everything in it's path, worse than a nuke, spreading around the world.

Lucy woke up screaming. Tears ran down her face, her tears with a tint of gold, her hair wild. She panted, her pajamas knotted, and bunched up. She cried harder, remembering everyone dropping to the ground like flies.

She didn't understand any of it. She just knew that the golden light was her current magic. The magic of the stars. She shuddered, and she curled into a ball. Why was this magic so dangerous? Why of all people, did she have to gain all of this magic... Her human body couldn't handle it...

She shuddered, and looked outside. It was morning, probably 7, so she got up, and slipped on her skirt and crop top and boots.

She headed out to the guild, thinking about the dream. She noticed people staring at her in fear.

She smirked slightly, and kept walking back to the guild. Soon, she reached the doors, and she opened them. She was welcomed by the familiar smell of milkshakes and beer hitting her.

She smiled at everyone, and walked to the request board, looking at the jobs. She seen nothing, and she sighed.

"Looking for a job?"

Lucy turned to see Natsu. Lucy looked away. "Yep. Can't find one.''

She turned around, but her arm was grabbed. She looked at Natsu's hand, and at Natsu giving him a warning look. "Show me what you have. There is a forest a mile away." Natsu said, his eyes showing the old determination that he used to have.

Lucy shrugged, shaking off the dream. ''Sure."

Natsu nodded, letting go of her arm.


Lucy looked at the trees. "Burn marks."

Natsu nodded. "Yeah, I needed to practice my magic and unleash anger." He kept walking, and Lucy admired the slash marks that made indents, and the shape of a whip.

Natsu walked through a scar in the land. Lucy guessed it was fromhim blowing up the area. Finally, they reached a clearing and Natsu turned to Lucy. "Okay. Show me your magic."

Lucy raised an eyebrow. "On you?"

"of course not. In the trees." Natsu motioned to the burnt trees, and Lucy nodded, looking up. "I would do beter at night..."

"... why?" Natsu asked, backing away.

"Because thats when all of the stars are out." Lucy squinted. "but i can use the sun."

"Wait, you actually use the stars?" Natsu asked, tilting his head. "Yes." Lucy nodded, and cracked her neck. She spread her arms and started muttering. Natsu watched from behind the tree's as Lucy's skin began to glow. Her keys began to shimmer and vibrate, and her hair began swirling around her head,were in water.

Natsu strained his ears, and heard, "...lend me your soul, your spirit, your heart, your strength. Great O'Celestial Beings, guide me in my magic, and give me your blessing."

Then Lucy opened her eyes, and here entire eye was radiating gold light, and looked at the trees. She thrust out her right hand, and a golden beam shot out, faster than Natsu can blink, and it blasted the tree. Natsu watched with a poker face as the tree burned, and he glanced at Lucy. Her eyes were squinted, her face had a strange mix of boldness and fear. Natsu seen the light get brighter, and the tree caught on fire. Lucy shot out her other hand, and the light doubled in size, and Natsu winced. The light was too bright, and he could feel the heat from 20 feet away.

Then, Lucy stopped, her keys stopped vibrating, the golden light in her eyes fading away, and Natsu raised an eyebrow.

"You roasted that tree."He said, looking at the small burnt thing, about a foot tall, and looked at Lucy. Lucy was focusd elsewhere, looking up at the sky.

"And that was from the sun?" Natsu asked. Lucy nodded. "Yep. And that was the weakest of the stars.."

Natsu glanced at her belt, and away at the tree. His eyes widened, and he looked back at her belt. "That isn't a belt... is it?"

He walked up to lucy, and Lucy looked at him, alarmed. "What?"

He narrowed his eyes, and grabbed at the belt. Lucy yelped, and smacked his hand away. Natsu felt some power drain away when he held it, but when he let it go that power returned to him. Lucy took a step back, and her face was expressionless.

"What is that thing?" Natsu asked, pointing to her 'belt'.

"Its a limiter." Lucy said, reaching down and shuffling her keys unconsciously.

"Limiter? What is that?" Natsu asked, taking a step forward. Lucy narrowed her eyes at him, warning him to stay back. "It drains some of my power." Lucy said, adjusting it.

"Those bands that hold up those flowy things on your arms are limiters as well, arent they?" Natsu asked, ignoring her look, and kept advancing. Lucy nodded, standing her ground.

"Why so powerful?" Natsu asked, stopping in front of her. Lucy looked him in the eye, brown meeting black. "Because what you seen there, was a fragment of a fragment of my power. Over the 3 years, I have learned magic that no celestial mage has ever used, and that is dangerous, both for me and people around me. So i have these limiters custom made this powerful so they can hold back some of the power." Lucy explained.

Natsu returned the look she gave him. "Why not take them off?"

"Because it will be bad." Lucy remembered her dream. She blinked, and said, "It will be bad."

It was silent for a moment, except for their breathing. They were close, and Lucy smelt Natsu's smoky breath, and Natsu smelled her strange scent. They stood their for a second, and Natsu looked at Lucy's lips, and back at her eyes.

She noticed this, but her expression didn't change.

Natsu took a step back, and turned away from her, examining the tree, which was now ashes.

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