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Hello everyone! Before you begin reading this story I would just like to inform you beforehand that this fan fiction is currently being rewritten in a new book! You can find the new one on my profile, titled 'Dusk'. You can still read this version but let me warn you that I'll be changing quite a few things in the newer version.


"Princess, it is time to get ready."

Amaya released a soft sigh as she spared a quick glance towards her handmaiden who was standing in the doorway to her room. All of the staff in the castle were told to wait outside until further instruction, as to not irritate the family. Amaya never minded though, she quite enjoyed the company of others. Yona, her twin sister, was a different story. She saw them as an inconvenience, apart from a select few.

She looked back down to the book that she was reading before placing a piece of paper between the pages of where she had read up too. She then closed it softly, placing it on the small table in front of her. She dusted herself off and then stood up, facing the woman that had been patiently waiting for her.

Once the woman noticed that Amaya was walking towards her, she smiled gently, before gesturing for the young princess to follow after her. They walked through many different hallways, even cutting through the garden at one point, before arriving at their destination.

One of the rooms in the castle was one that was used for getting ready. Amaya, and her twin sister, Yona, used it quite regularly. They also quite enjoyed dressing up together, even if their own styles differed quite immensely.

As Amaya and her handmaiden walked in, they noticed that they were the first to arrive. Knowing that Yona would be showing up any second now, Amaya walked over to her own collection of clothing.

She chose a simple lavender gown, with navy blue flower patterns covering the bottom. She tended to go for the simpler options, rather than the more extravagant. Yona always went for the gown she deemed most beautiful.

While Amaya's handmaiden was brushing her hair, the doors burst open and Yona walked in, her own handmaiden scurrying behind her. Min-Soo, one of the main servants in the castle, was beside her. Amaya and Yona were both rather fond of him, he was a very kind-hearted person and never once did anything to annoy them.

"Ah, Amaya, you're here already!" Yona exclaimed, upon seeing her sister sitting at her vanity. They each had their own, Yona's being a soft pink, while Amaya's was a light violet.

"Yes, I thought I would get a head start." Amaya responded, watching her sister through the mirror.

It was quite obvious to anyone that Yona was the more energetic sister, while Amaya tended to be more reserved and kept to herself most of the time. The only one she ever spent her time with, was their childhood friend, Hak.

He served under their father and was an incredible fighter. Amaya would always pester him about teaching her how to fight. Eventually, he agreed and allowed her to join him one day. She picked up on a few things rather quickly, like how to handle knives and such. Her skills didn't stretch too far however, for she still couldn't quite handle a bow. She was persistent though and never once gave up.

half an hour later

Yona was still getting ready, while Amaya had finished everything that she had needed to do. Including getting changed, getting her hair done, and had makeup applied to her face. Yona had yet to find something to wear, and it was starting to irritate everyone in the room. Not that they would admit it, considering the young princess's temper.

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