Chapter 13

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"You're the priest?" Yona asked curiously. "Did you know that we would come here, too?" "Yes." Ik-Soo answered straight away. He then knelt down in a prayer position "My job is to convey God's voice to people. God teaches me everything there is to know about this world!" it was almost as if he was sparkling, radiating light from his seemingly gentle nature. Yoon then gripped his robe angrily "What do you mean by your "job"? You don't make any money. All you do is pray every day. Hurry and remove your dirty clothes!" Yoon basically ripped off Ik-Soo's robe before throwing a blanket at him so he could cover up.

Yoon rested his hands on his hips "You were driven out of the castle for making dubious claims about hearing God's voice, you know." Yona looked at Ik-Soo in confusion. "Why were you driven out of the castle?" she asked suddenly. I flinched and lightly slapped her shoulder. "Yona! Don't just ask someone something like that!" she looked at me weirdly "Why not?" I dropped my head and sighed at her obliviousness. "I'm surprised." Yoon said causing me to look up at him. "You lived in the castle, but you don't know?" We really didn't know much about anything to be honest, but that wasn't our fault. We were basically isolated from everything.


After I had finally found the strength to move, Yona and I had situated ourselves next to Hak. We were both looking down at him with concern. "We really don't know much... do we?" Yona asked me quietly. I shook my head softly "No, we really don't." We both sighed. Hak's hand then suddenly twitched and he let out a small grunt of pain. Yona panicked, "Hak! Hang in there! Can you hear my voice?" Hak was breathing rather heavily and he was sweating quite a lot. I frowned at the sight of him. "Hold this." I heard Yoon demand and then he appeared before in front of us. "Move." he commanded Yona. He rested his hand against Hak's cheek, checking his temperature. "He has a fever." Please hang in there Hak. I grabbed his large hand in mine and squeezed it gently. I can't lose another person.

After Yoon had finished treating Hak once again he began redoing his bandages. "I've treated it, but the fever won't break for a while. Tonight will probably be the worst of it." he then went to stand up however Yona grabbed his wrist. "Save Hak!" she pleaded desperately. "I'm working on it. I don't want him dying on me." he then ripped his arm away from Yona's hand. "But I'm not a doctor. Don't just assume I'll save him." he then began walking away from us. Yona gasped at his words and her eyes widened in shock. "You still haven't thanked me for saving you. What about him? Have you ever thanked him? He nearly died to protect you." I was watching Yona's reaction to his words the entire time. All she did was just stare straight ahead.

"It's all right." Ik-Soo said as he rested his hand on Yona's shoulder comfortingly. "The god of death hasn't come for him yet." Yona and I began to tear up at his words, Yona more so than me. "He'll come back." he reassured. I smiled at him as a form of saying thank you for calming her, he nodded with his bright smile on his face. He then moved over to talk to Yoon quietly, probably about his behaviour.

Yona and I sat quietly as we waited for something to happen. "Would you two like to go for a walk?" Ik-Soo suddenly asked. Yona looked back at Hak briefly. "Yoon's medicines are very effective. He's saved me countless times." Yona smiled at him then turned to look at me. "Are you coming?" I nodded softly "Of course."

As we walked around, I tried taking in all of the beautiful scenery around us. It was all so beautiful. All of that nature and the roaming wildlife. It was all so different from what I was used too. Yona and I stopped as we heard Ik-Soo cry out suddenly and we turned to see him on the ground. "Ouch..." Yona ran over to help him while I just shook my head softly with a smile. "Are you okay?" Ik-Soo just laughed it off rather strangely.

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