Chapter 33

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We were now walking along a cliff-side overlooking the ocean. We were quite a far way away from the Port Town, wanting to investigate where we had tracked down the Green Dragon too. "According to Ki-Ja, Shin-Ah and Amaya, the Green Dragon's presence disappeared somewhere over there." Yoon remarked, relaying what we had told him previously. "I'm going off on my own for a bit." Hak suddenly spoke up from the back of the group causing us all to stop walking and turn to face him. "How come?" I asked, curious as to why he was willing to leave Yona. "I want to look at some weapons in the city. I'm the only one who knows what to look for. Lord White Snake, hold onto this." Hak handed his Hsu Quandao to Ki-Ja, who had a temper tantrum at the fact that he was chosen to hold it.

Yon was still confused and obviously worried about Hak leaving the group, even if only for a short time. "Hak..." Hak placed his hand atop her head, before turning around and walking back to the city. "Make sure you actually buy something this time!" Yoon called after him, reminding him about his previous attempt. Hak raised his arm to wave "Sure."

Knowing that Hak would be fine, we continued on our trek along the cliff-side. "The Thunder Beast is acting weird." Yoon remarked, also having noticed that something what up with Hak. Humming, I agreed. Yona looked up at us in confusion "Huh?" Yoon kept his eyes facing forward as he explained. "He's hiding something. He's normally stuck to you, but he went off on his own." Yona simply smiled at the two of us, "It just means that he trusts all of you." she declared. I chuckled at the thought of Hak struggling to admit that he trusted us with the task of protecting Yona, his one true love. "R-Really?" Ki-Ja mumbled, shocked at the very thought. I brought my hand up to flick him in the side of the head, causing him to briefly glare at me."Don't get your hopes up, mister."

Yoon then held up us arm, his pointer finger up as he thought of something. "Maybe he's meeting a woman." Yona blushed at the thought, gasping. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder before leaning in to whisper quietly into her ear. "No need to worry my dear, he cherishes you far too much to do something like that." Yona blushed profoundly before she swatted me away with her hands, weakly attempting to rid of me and my comments.

"Oh, it's around here." Ki-Ja declared, and we all glanced up to see the overhang cliff-side curve to form a semi circle shape. We leaned over the edge, catching a glimpse of what we had found the other night. "That's a pirate ship." Yoon remarked, causing Yona to look at him in shock "Huh?" We all kept our gazes on the ship, observing it closely. "At the very least, it isn't a merchant or government ship. Don't tell me he's in there." Yoon mumbled to himself, although loud enough for us all to hear. Suddenly a wave washed over me, along with Ki-Ja and Shin-Ah. Yoon, having noticed our gasps, looked up. "What is it?" Ki-Ja held his palms over his ears as he narrowed his eyes. "His presence." Shin-Ah and I glanced around the area "It disappeared." We both stated in unison.


Yoon and Yona had decided to walk around the city in search of Hak, whom had yet to return to our campsite. Ki-Ja had went off in search of the Green Dragon, since we had once again sense his presence nearby. As we walked around, Yona chatted with Yoon happily, while I stayed behind and watched for any suspicious movements. I heard Yoon gasp in shock, causing my gaze to swing back to them. He was staring up into the window of a brothel, a place where people go to receive pleasure from the people that work there. To my surprise, Hak was inside of the building for some reason.

"What are you doing?!" Yoon exclaimed, causing Hak to turned around to see what all of the commotion was about. Yona simply stared up at him, her expression hard to decipher. Hak's cheeks reddened quite considerably, as his eyes widened in shock. "Yoon! Princess! Amaya!" I placed my hands on my hips, a hard look showing on my features as I glared at him while slowly shaking my head. "What are you doing here?" Hak asked after a moment of silence. "This isn't what it looks like." He attempted to explain, "He forced me to..." as Hak looked over his shoulder he gasped "He's gone?!"

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