Chapter 23

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"A villager nearly took you both below ground?!" Yoon exclaimed in shock at what Yona had just told him. Yona and I nodded "Yeah." Suddenly Ki-Ja's dragon hand burst into a larger form and his whole body quivered with rage. "Damn them. Not only do they refuse to respect you, but they tried to trap you underground. They must be determined to incur my wrath!" Yona jumped up behind him, "Ki-Ja, your face!" Ki-Ja's face was all tense and his jaw was clenched as he grinded his teeth in an attempt to keep his anger at bay.

"Calm down." Turning around, I saw Hak stroking his Hsu Quandao with an ominous aura around him. "You're such a sheltered kid. You want to kill common villagers? Grow up." I rolled my eyes at his words, seeing as he was obviously trying to keep his own anger at bay as well. The vein on his neck was pulsing and his eyes were shining with a malicious gaze. "You should grow up yourself, former general." I nodded, agreeing with Yoon. "Yeah, come down buddy. I was able to get Yona out of danger anyway."

Yoon glanced at Ki-Ja with an disconcerted gaze "But you're sure that man was the Blue Dragon?" Ki-Ja turned to look Yoon in the eye before nodding. "Yes." Hak furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "Then why did he run away?" Ki-Ja sighed, glancing down towards the ground. "I don't know. The Blue Dragon, the villagers... What's going on with this place?" I pursed my lips as my eyes narrowed at the wall across from me. Yoon brought his hands to his hips as he began thinking out loud. "They're both dragon villages, but this one's the polar opposite of the White Dragon's village."

Ki-Ja glanced at him in confusion "What?" Yoon brought his gaze back up to us. "Since we saw the White Dragon's village first, this village appeared different... But now that I think about it, maybe the White Dragon's village was the exception. These villagers don't revere red hair, and they don't regard the dragon's power as exalted. They may even think it's abominable. The villagers and the Blue Dragon may actually regard us only as intruders."

Bringing my hand up towards my face, I vegan to remember he warmth of the Blue Dragon's hand that fit perfectly with mine. My lips twitched into a small smile at the thought. "That's ridiculous!" Ki-Ja's booming voice brought me out of my thoughts and back to reality. "The four dragon warriors must hasten to join their master immediately. Once I met the princess, up until the moment I left my village, I did not hesitate." Ki-Ja's fist was clenched in front of him as he spoke. My eyebrows furrowed as I noticed something odd about his speech. "Hold on, does that mean you hesitated after you left?" Ki-Ja flinched before turning towards me hastily with his arms flinging all over the place. "No! Of course not!" I giggled into the palm of my hand.

Glancing over towards Yona whom had been quiet during most of this conversation, I noticed that she had been staring at me with a thoughtful gaze. "But, he did save Amaya." Everyone froze before turning to look at her, before quickly diverting their eyes to me. I flinched at sight of them all staring at me. "He... he had very gentle hands. I want to meet with him and be able to speak to him again. Along with Yona." No one spoke for a moment, thinking over my words before Yoon turned to Yona. "So, you're going back into that maze?" Yona nodded "Yes." Yoon leaned back with a sigh, "Even after that scary ordeal, you're not fazed at all, neither are you Amaya." Yona smiled cheerfully "That's because Amaya was there." Coughing into my fist, I diverted my gaze towards the ground before speaking up. "The Blue Dragon made me feel safe, protected. Like nothing could hurt me."

Yoon smirked at me before turning to face the both of us. "You have guts, Princess's." Yona and I smiled at him, mine being far less cheerful. Yoon bent down, picked up his bag and flung it over his shoulder. "Let's go. There was something at the dead end, right?" Yoon glanced at Ki-Ja before beginning to walk down the path with Ki-Ja right behind him. Just as Yona and I were about to follow Yoon and Ki-Ja through the tunnels, Hak leaped forward and took a hold of Yona's hand. "You stay here, Princess." Yona stared at him in confusion "Hak?" Ki-Ja, having heard Hak, turned to face us. "Yoon, Amaya and I will find the Blue dragon." Hak declared.

My eyes narrowed at Hak's actions, Yona was able to decide what to do on her own. "What are you saying? I shall go." Ki-Ja insisted. "Okay. We're counting on you, White Snake." Ki-Ja's expression quickly turned to frustration "What?!" Hak then became serious once more as he turned back towards Yona. "In any case, don't go back in there, Princess." I smirked at the fact that he only mentioned Yona. Hak is a lovesick puppy. "Wait outside and-" "No." Yona interrupted Hak. "Ki-Ja, Yoon, Amaya and I will go. You wait here, Hak." Hak's eyes widened in shock as he stared at her. "Ki-Ja knows the Blue Dragon's location, along with Amaya who also appears to have developed a bond with him. Also, Yoon knows the way. And I must meet the Blue Dragon. I believe that is my job." Yona stated determinedly. "Please."

Hak brought his right hand up to scratch his head "And someone has to stay outside and watch the villagers. I'm the only one left, so I have to do it?" I rubbed my fingers together, making a 'click' sound as I pointed towards Hak. "That's spot on!" Hak shoved my hand away and I pouted. "Because I know I can depend on you." I brought my hand up to cover the smile that had just spread across my face. "I'll be careful not to let anything like that happen again." A shadow covered Hak's face so Yona leaned closer to him. "Hak?" Hak pulled on her hand, causing her to fall closer to him as he brought her hands up in front of their faces. "This time, come back. Otherwise I'll stick annoyingly close to you from now on." A blush spread across Yona's face as she stared at Hak in wonder. "Hak..." Suddenly, her face turned into a goofy smile "I don't want to be annoyed. So I'll be careful." Hak twitched in frustration at the fact that Yona had once again been too oblivious to realize what he had been saying. "Yes, please do."

I placed my hand on Yona's shoulder, causing her to glance up at me. I jerked my head in Yoon's direction and she nodded before walking over to him. I smirked at Hak's crestfallen expression. "Oh, you poor thing. I pity you so." Hak quickly glared at me and tried to smack before, however I was far too quick and was able to dodge with ease. I laughed at him once more before turning around and walking away from him.


"Princess, you're actually a bit scared without the Thunder Beast, aren't you?" Yoon asked knowingly with a smirk. Yona quickly turned to him with her arms flailing around "Yoon, don't say that!" She quickly regained her composure and continued walking. "When Hak's around, I rely on him too much." I nodded along with what she was saying. "Well, you aren't wrong." Yona's hand flung out towards my direction and whacked me in the face. I clutched my nose in pain "Ouch! That was mean, Yona!" She just gave me a look and turned back to Yoon.

"Doesn't the Thunder Beast want you to rely on him?" Yona nodded, "Yes, but Hak actually served our late father." I winced at the mention of our father, not wanting to have to relive the moment that he was killed. "He's still following our father's orders." Yoon stared at her with uncertainty "I don't think that's the only reason..." Yona continued talking since she wasn't listening to what Yoon had said. "Hak didn't like being a general or bodyguard. I can't do it yet, but someday, I'd like to set Hak free." I smiled sadly at her expression before ruffling her hair.

Soon enough, we had arrived at the dead end that actually leads into more tunnels and caves. "Huh? The dead end has a hidden passage?" Yoon exclaimed in shock. "Yes." Yona nodded before glancing at me, gesturing for me to open the passageway. I brought my hand up before pushing against the wall with just enough strength for it to move. Just as the doorway opened, I flinched, sensing many a presence not too far behind us. "It's open!" Yoon said. "How interesting!" I turned to look over my shoulder to see if Ki-Ja had also sensed what I had. Considering that he was staring behind us, it was safe to say that he had.

Yoon turned to face Ki-Ja, who had kept his gaze on the path behind us. "Ki-Ja, let's go." Yona tilted her head with confusion showing in her features. "What's wrong?" Ki-Ja snapped out of his protective mode before glancing back at her. "Ah, nothing... The Blue Dragon is in there. I'll wait out here. You two go on ahead. Amaya is all you need for now." Yona was extremely confused at his sudden change "Huh? Why?" Ki-Ja glanced at Yoon who had seemed to grasp the situation at hand. Yoon turned to Yona with a smile covering his concern. "It's all right. This handsome genius knows the way." Ki-Ja nodded towards Yoon and I, "I'm counting on you two." We both nodded "Got it." we said simultaneously before guiding Yona into the tunnels.

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