Chapter 31

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That night, I was still awake hours after everyone else had dozed off. Apart from Yona, whom was practicing her archery skills a few feet away from the camp. That was her way of releasing her emotions. Narrowing my eyes, I sighed deeply before sitting up. I glanced around to see if any of the boys were awake, when I was sure that they were all asleep, I stood up and walked away. I went in the opposite direction to Yona, even going as far as to make quite a bit of distance between the group and myself.

Finally, I stopped. Leaning back against one of the trees, the bark rough against my skin. I raised my head to look up at the sky and simply stared. Without any warning, tears began quickly gathering in my eyes. I held my hand up to my mouth, knowing that I would start sobbing any second now.

Hearing those words about my father, that kind and humble old man, made me feel unsettled. My father was indeed a good man. He just wasn't a fan of conflict, so he tried his best to keep the peace which isn't any easy task to begin with. Maybe if I had of been more involved in my duties, I might have been able to help him in some way.

At this point, tears were streaming down my face as if my eyes were waterfalls, just constantly gushing out water. My hands were shaking, along with my entire body. I'd never been good with handling my emotions. Especially when it came to the ones that hurt my heart more than anything. I couldn't even help Yona when she was in need of comfort. How could I be such a horrible sister?

I slowly slid down the tree until I was on the ground, my knees raised up to my chin and my arms wrapped around them. I could feel my claws beginning to lengthen, my abilities beginning to lose control. I clenched my fist to prevent any extreme damage. Within seconds, I could feel the warm feeling of blood beginning to form. Soon enough, it began pouring out from in-between my fingers. I began breathing in deeply, exhaling, and then repeating the action countless times. It took a while before my claws finally went back to their normal length.

Raising my hands to my face, I opened my palms to see the damage. Sure enough, eight curved, moon shape holes were dug into the palm of my hands. Strangely, I didn't even feel any pain. Hiccuping, I brought my hands to my chest before curling up as much as I possibly could into the tree. As if trying to hide myself from the world.

Why did it have to turn out like this?

465 words

this chapter breaks my heart

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