Chapter 39

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At this point, I may of stopped pacing, but I still hadn't quite gotten over my anxiousness. I knew that Yona was strong enough to do things on her own, but that definitely didn't stop me from worrying. She was my precious little sister, and I would do anything to protect her from harms way. Shin-Ah, sensing my distress, wrapped his hand around my own. I glanced up towards him, a small smile on my lips as he nodded in return.

Finally, after what seemed to be hours, I saw a hint of red appear among the green grass that overlooked the sheer cliff. Seeing that my dear sister was okay, sent immediate relief flooding throughout my entire body. Shin-Ah let go of my hand, before pushing me forward, urging me to go to my sister.

I broke out into a sprint, heading straight for her. Once I was close enough, I flung myself into her, wrapping my arms around her tightly. "Yona, I was so worried!" I choked out as tears began to pool my eyes. Yona raised her arms and held me back just as tight before patting my back a few times. "Uh, Amaya, I can't breathe..." I hastily released my hold of her before allowing myself to calm down. I brought her in for another small hug before allowing her to see the others.

"Yona!" Yoon ran towards her, his eyes swimming in tears as his hands were outstretched, reaching out for her. Ki-Ja and the others followed closely behind him. I heard someone let out a small sigh of what seemed to be relief from somewhere behind me. Turning my head to look over my shoulder, I saw Hak standing there, his eyes glued to Yona. I could see how concerned he was, no matter how much he may try to hide it.

"Stupid, stupid!" Yoon exclaimed as he wrapped his arms around Yona's neck. "You're always so reckless!" I heard a small squeak and looked behind Yona to see Ao being squished by Yoon's arms. I hastily removed him from the small space and placed him onto my shoulder. He nuzzled my cheek as a sign of gratitude causing me to giggle. "I'm sorry." she says quietly, and quite innocently I might add.

The captain tilted her head to the side, never losing her calm demeanor for even a second. "Where is the senjuso?" Yoon released Yona so that she could show the captain. "Here." She held up the small pouch, opening it slightly so that the captain could see the herb. "So it is." The captain mutters.

She takes the pouch from Yona, inspecting it for a moment before turning to hand it to the man behind her. "Then, as promised, you-" "No." Yona interrupted. "Jae-Ha helped me." Yona admits while gazing down towards the ground. Jae-Ha turns to her with a shocked look, he obviously was very surprised that Yona had done that. "A sudden wave nearly carried me out to sea, and he saved me. I couldn't do it alone."

The captain narrowed her eyes curiously, "Then you're giving up?" she asks. "No." Yona says confidently causing a smirk to make it's way onto my face. "I'm going to get it myself this time." I launch myself into her body, wrapping my arms around her once more as I nuzzle my face into her cheek. "Yona, that was awesome! I'm so proud of you!" Yona lets out a small chuckle, ruffling my hair slightly, before returning to her serious demeanor and facing the captain once more.

I glanced over to the captain, to see that she had a surprised expression dawning her features. Suddenly, she relaxed and smirked, letting out a chuckle before bursting out in laughter. We all looked at her oddly, confused as to why she was laughing so much. She stopped after a moment, turning back to look at Yona. "If Jae-Ha had let a girl tossed into the sea die, I would have thrown him into the sea myself." Jae-Ha smiles awkwardly as he crosses his arms, attempting to look 'cool'.

She then walks towards Yona causing me to let go of her and step back a bit, before grabbing a hold of her chin and bringing her face closer to her. "Your eyes are red. You must have cried a lot." Yona pouted at her teasing, "I just got salt water in my eyes!" she protested, causing the older woman to chuckle. "Your hands are covered in cuts. Your legs are shaking." She states amusingly, before tilting her face downwards and narrowing her eyes. "You've got guts." Yona's mouth fell open at her words.

"Someone like you would never betray their friends, even in the most desperate of situations." She then released Yona, stepped back a few paces and turned around before holding up her pipe. " I don't mind idiots like you." She turned raising her arm in the air as a gesture to follow her. "Climb aboard!" Yona blinked, before furrowing her brows "Huh?" Jae-Ha placed his hand on her head, leaning down to look her in the eye. "You pass, Yona."

"All..." Yoon begins, before all of the pirates that had accompanied us exclaimed "All right!" Apparently, they had been rooting for her to pass the test with flying colors. Two of them begin to shake her hands before showering her with praise.

Ki-Ja pouted, not liking the fact that other people, and men for that matter, were touching her. "Hey! Don't touch her with your filthy hands!" he mutters angrily in an attempt to get them to back off. Yona glances over her shoulder to look at me, her eyes shining with excitement as she grinned happily. Her smile caused warmth to fill my heart, and I smiled just as brightly.

965 words

I am so sorry for the long wait on this chapter everyone!

As always, I have no excuse other than loss of motivation..

I'll try to get this updated again in the next 2 weeks!

Leave a comment telling me what you think c:

- Tessa

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