Chapter 34

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Today, we were all going out to look around the city. Sadly, we had to leave Shin-Ah behind since he would of drawn far too much attention to us. It made me uneasy, not having him close too me. As long as it isn't for too long, then I think it'll be alright, I guess.

For some strange reason, Hak has been acting rather oddly since yesterday when he came back to camp empty-handed. Yona also seemed to notice the disgruntled expression that he'd been sporting since we entered the vicinity of the town. "Is something wrong?" she asked with mild concern. Hak simply waves her off rather unconvincingly "No..." Yona tilted her head slightly as she gazed at him. The Green Dragon had to be close by as well, considering the rather intense feeling that I was getting at the moment. Glancing over at Ki-Ja, I could tell that he was feeling the same way. However, we were both uncertain whether to act on our instincts or just simply wait for him to come to us.

The city was bustling with people, everyone appearing to have a smile on their face. Sure there were a few that looked rather upset, but that was normal considering the circumstances of this world that we currently live in. Yoon pointed off to the right, where the street cut off and turned outwards. "Let's try this way." he suggested, Yona agreed with a nod, her hair bobbing along as she did so. Yoon was in a rather good mood today, which was a very good thing for all of us.

"We made Shin-Ah stay behind alone again." Yona stated, obviously feeling bad about their decision. Sighing, I ran my right hand through my rough and tangled hair. "He'll be okay, Yona. I don't like it just as much as you. Maybe even more." Yona sent me a sympathetic smile over her shoulder as she glanced towards me before returning her gaze to Yoon whom hadn't said anything. "We'd better find the Green Dragon soon." Yona muttered with determination shining in her eyes. Yona then turned around to look at both Ki-Ja and I with curious eyes. "Guys, where's the Green Dragon?" Ki-Ja and I glanced at one another before deciding to speak. Ki-Ja went first, "I believe he's in this town." I nodded in agreement before pursing my lips into a miserable pout. "The only problem is that he's far too quick for either of us to pin point his location." I grumbled, just loud enough for them all to hear.

Suddenly, one of the windows just a few feet in front of us, was smashed by a vase that was thrown through it from inside of the building. "You're in the way! Move!" A man shouted angrily from inside and then you could hear a woman whimpering. From pain of fright, was anyone's guess. The woman then began shouting as well, however she was pleading for the man to stop whatever he was doing. Hak and I moved forward to glance at what was going on. One of the men had appeared to of gotten enraged somehow and was now beating up the other people inside. "Wh-What's going on?" Yona stumbled over her words, frightened from what was happening. "Looks like an official's going on a rampage in that store." Hak deduced easily. Obviously, it wasn't uncommon for official's to act this way to the common folk.

I scoffed, clenching my jaw as I glared at the man as he beat up another. "Disgusting bastard." Noticing Yona's trembling form out of the corner of my eye, I spun around to investigate if she was alright. Thankfully, she didn't seem overwhelmingly frightened, just enraged. It was as if a fire was burning in her eyes. Her normally calm, serene expression, was scrunched in anger. Yona then began walking towards the store but Ki-Ja and I both stopped her before she could walk inside. "You mustn't, Princess!" Ki-Ja demanded, not wanting Yona to be caught up in such a conflict. "But..." mumbled Yona as she glared at the ground in front of her. "Allow me to handle this." Ki-Ja calmly stated before going to walk inside.

This time, it was Hak who stopped Ki-Ja, he himself having his own look of rage. "You'll draw too much attention." Hak mumbled, "Stay out of this. I'll..." Yoon shoved his arm in front of Hak, whom was about to run inside. "That goes for you, too, Thunder Beast." Deciding that it would be best for all of us to just stay out of the way and not risk either Yona or myself getting caught, we hid around the corner, just out of sight.

"Do you wild beasts understand the position you're in?" Yoon asked, silently scolding the two males. Ki-Ja went to defend himself, a desperate expression covering his facial features. "But..." Yoon ignored Ki-Ja's attempt to talk and began speaking. "The townsfolk were saying the officials are on edge because some pirates sank one of Kumji's ships last night." I noticed that Yona wasn't listening and turned to see her still looking around the corner at the store that had just been rampaged. "I know how you feel, but we need to lie low." Yoon stated carefully. Hearing the officials leave, Yoon walked to stand next to Yona, who still hadn't moved. "Look. They've already left." he observed and we all nodded. "Let's go." Yoon suggested and we all began walking away from the store. Yona lingered for a moment, before resolving whatever issue she had and following after us. As she came to walk beside me, I wrapped an arm around her shoulder as a form of comfort. Tightening my grip, I lent my head against hers. "We'll do something about this, Yona. I promise that we will. You and I will save these people, together." Yona narrowed her eyes, turning her gaze to me for a second before nodding softly and leaning her body against my own.

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