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Hak and I both stood leaning against the railing as we watched my twin get treated like a complete child by her beloved Soo-Won. I have to cover my mouth to prevent myself from giggling and giving our position away.

Yona pursed her lips into a pout and started muttering to herself under her breath, "He treats me like a child... Like a child... Like a child!" She then looking down towards the ground, "And I perfumed my clothes with the finest incense all morning, and applied only the highest quality lotions and makeup."

Glancing over at Hak, I just knew that he was going to tease her about it, "All gone to waste." he said whilst stuffing his face with food. How he managed to hide that from me, I had no idea.

"You be quiet!" Yona yelled at him in anger. I reached my breaking point and burst out into fits of giggles and laughter.

She then looked over at me in annoyance, "Amaya why didn't you stop him from eavesdropping." I scratched my head while answering

"Well, I really wanted to listen too." I smiled hesitantly. Yona then got this sorrow-filled look on her face and I knew she was extremely upset about Soo-Won completely disregarding the fact that she's grown up. I sighed softly to myself and looked over at Hak who was also sporting a slightly worried look on his face. Only I could tell this though, he's very good at hiding how he feels in certain situations.


Yona was standing outside Soo-Won's room prepping herself to talk to him calmly. I stood behind her in amusement as I already knew that he wouldn't be in there. She pushed open the doors, "G-Good morning, Soo-Won! I have some of our best sweets! Would you like... to..." She looked around in confusion before deciding to go out and look for him, me obviously tagging along with her. We ran into our father and Min-Soo who were just passing by the doors to Soo-Won's room.

"What's the matter, Yona?" father asks kindly, Min-Soo, having guessed that we were looking for Soo-Won leaned in towards the princess and started whispering. "If you're looking for Lord Soo-Won, he is with General Hak." I smirked at the realization and practically bolted over towards the archery range to see some action.

Hak and Soo-Won were both perched upon horses of their own and getting ready. Yona pouted to herself, "No fair, Hak! How could you set me aside and have fun with Soo-Won?" father being the person he is attempting calming her down by talking to her calmly.

"Now, now... They haven't seen one another in some time, either." That is true, it's been quite a while since Soo-Won last came to visit. Hak and Soo-Won both smiled at one another before beginning their friendly competition. Hak obviously winning considering him being a General and all.

They both slowed their horses down to a halt, "Well done, Hak." Soo-Won complimented.

"You were magnificent yourself, Lord Soo-Won." Hak acknowledged, giving Soo-Won one of his extremely rare smiles. I hardly ever saw him smile anymore.

Soo-Won then lifted his bow and pulled the string back as if he were going to shoot another arrow, "Next time, I'll strike dead center, as well." I glanced over at Yona and automatically saw her flushed expression. Seeing her love-stricken face made me incredibly happy, even if it was Soo-Won who had made it appear.

"I'm going to do archery with Soo-Won, too!" Yona says determinedly, raising her fist into the air. father started to panic at the thought of Yona handling a weapon. He rather despised weapons in general, not liking the thought of harming others.

"No! You mustn't handle weapons! I don't even want to let those two use them..." Father drifted off, his voice becoming rather quiet as he began to get lost in thought.

Yona obviously didn't see just how this effected him and backfired immediately, "Then you do it!" she barked, annoyed by his constant worry.

"But I would get hurt." Father stated, as if it were obvious. Which I didn't deny, things definitely would not go well if father was the one holding the weapons. Who knows what could happen.

"You coward! You know, you're just..." Yona was cut off by Soo-Won calling out her name.

"Yona! Come down, I'll let you ride with me." Yona not wanting to miss out on her chance to hang out with him agreed straight away.

Father became slightly irritated at the fact that she went down there, "It's alright father, you know that neither of them would ever let Yona get hurt." I reassured him slightly. He sighed to himself, staring down at me as his brows furrowed.

"I know my dear, but after what happened to your mother..." I looked down towards the ground in sorrow at the mention of my mother. She died when Yona and I were only young.  It was rather tragic, the way that she died. I only know a few of the details, much more than Yona knows.

I just pray that nothing happens to father. Or Yona for that matter. I don't think I would be able to go on without them. Either of them.

871 words

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