Chapter 43

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Yona, Yoon and I were given new dresses, and countless other accessories. Yoon also had to get a wig considering how short his hair actually was. Either way, he looked incredibly feminine. We all even had a bit of makeup on, which I was not happy about. I always despised the entire idea of it.

All of the pirates stared in awe at the three of us, basking in the radiant aura that seemed to be surrounding us.

Jae-Ha held up his hand, thumb pointing upwards in a 'thumbs up' gesture. "Yona, you're so cute." He complimented, smiling towards her. "You'll nail it."

Yona held up her fists with a look of determination, which honestly just looked absolutely adorable. "I'll do my best."

A few of the men were laughing at Yoon. One of which holding his stomach as he struggled to stand upright. "Go become Kumji's lover!" Another teased.

Yoon's eyes glinted, and he held up his hand with his brows narrowed. "You know it. I'll best his actual wife, even." He stated, almost seriously, but I could hear the slightest hint of sarcasm in his tone.

While everyone kept complimenting the others, I stood behind them, fumbling with my yukata. It was a much brighter colour than I was used to wearing, and I wasn't quite sure how to feel about it. Usually, I would wear either purple, midnight blue, or grey. However, the captain decided it would be best if I wore a colour similar to Yona's. So that left me with a burgundy coloured yukata with black designs showering the bottom.

Feeling a pair of eyes on me, I glanced upwards and noticed Shin-Ah gazing at me with his lips parted open slightly. He appeared to be in shock.

Shyly, I raised my hand and sent a wave in his direction. Thankfully, he returned it.

Yona then turned to Yoon, "Yoon, do you have the gunpowder?"

Yoon turned to Yona with a small grin, "It's inside my sash." he assured. "I rubbed gunpowder on the end of the wire. It may be small? but it'll fly high."

After that, the captain, Gi-Gan, stepped forward with her arms crossed. "From here, just stick to the plan." She insisted, a hint of concern lacing her tone.

Yona and I turned towards her, Yona with a wide grin, "Okay. We're off-" Yona was cut off as she turned back around only to see a very strange sight.

Ki-Ja had been attempting to disguise himself as a woman, but it wasn't going exactly as he'd planned. He had far too much makeup on, apples stuffed into the top of his yukata, and the sleeves weren't even long enough to cover his right arm, which would lead to a lot of suspicion.

"Don't you have anything with longer sleeves?" He complained to the man beside him, who didn't appear to be very willing to help but must've been conned into it by Ki-Ja.

Glancing to the side of him, I saw Shin-Ah holding Ao in his hands. She was wearing a tiny dress that looking absolutely adorable on her and I couldn't help but let out a small giggle at the sight. That caught Shin-Ah's attention and he sent me a loving smile.

"It's impossible to hide that hand, mister." The other man pointed out the obvious, but Ki-Ja wasn't still trying to pull the sleeves down his arm.

Ki-Ja then gave up entirely and simply stared at Yona with tears gathering in his eyes.

"No, Ki-Ja. It is funny, though." Yona said quite bluntly.

"Funny? Try hilarious, Yona." I managed to spit out as I was trying to hold back my laughter at the end result of Ki-Ja's attempt.

Ki-Ja held up his right arm, "If only this arm were smaller..." he spluttered, his voice croaking as he continued to cry.

"That isn't the problem." Yona mumbled.

Hak then chose that moment to walk over to Yoon. "Yoon."

Yoon turned to face him, "Thunder Beast, once we give the signal, come rescue us." he says, glancing away from him as he raised a hand to play with his hair.

"Are you okay?" Hak asks him, which shocked me considering he had never shown concern for Yoon before.

"What do you mean?" Although Yoon's expression was indifferent, I could clearly see his hands shaking. He must've been terribly afraid about what we were about to do. But he didn't want to be seen as weak, so he was trying to hide it.

Yoon then lowered his arm and held it to his body with the other. "You think I'm pathetic because Yona and Anaya are so brave but I'm shaking?"

His words made me frown. I never claimed to be brave. I walked over to him, placing my hand on his shoulder, directing his attention towards me for a brief second.

"That's what makes me the best choice. I've lived more carefully and wretchedly than anyone else." He raised his head, a much more relaxed expression on his face than there was a moment ago. "I'm proud of it."

His eyes narrowed, as he tried to convince himself that he wasn't afraid. "Thunder Beast, it's okay. Since I'm going, I can guarantee Yona won't die."

Hak, content with Yoon's answer, turned to walk away, before briefly stopping a few feet away. "I'm counting on you." He then continued.

The man in front of us hummed, "You want to work here?" he asked skeptically.

The three of us were finally standing in the very same building where the women have been known to disappear from. The plan had officially started.

Yoon spoke for us, speaking in a tone that made him almost unrecognizable if you could only hear him. "Yes. We heard the pay is really good."

The man rubbed his chin thoughtfully, humming once again. He flickered his eyes between the three of us. Finally, after a few moments, he nodded with a smirk. "Very well. We'd be delighted to have you."

Yona sighed in relief, while Yoon and I made it seem that we were delighted to be there. We clapped our hands together and grinned, "I'm so happy." Yoon exclaimed while I just giggled, knowing that I wouldn't be able to sound convincing. "I look forward to working here."

The man turned, keeping his eyes on us as he did so. "Come inside." He gestured for us to follow him to which we did.

Yona, Yoon and I glanced at one another, fist pumping the air as we exchanged small grins. We had past the first step.

We walked down the hall before the man stopped, gesturing towards the door to his right. "Wait here. I'll get the manager."

Yona decided to be the one to open the door, a hard look on her face as she did so. Slowly, we stepped inside, glancing around the room that was completely bare. Once we reached the middle of the room, the light began to diminish and we turned to see the man closing the door.

"Wait here a moment." He insisted with a cold voice, before slamming the door shut and leaving us in almost complete darkness.

Closing my eyes for a brief second, I allowed my eyes to shift. Once I opened them, I could see a little better and was able to make out where the others were. Glancing beside me I noticed Yo a looking quite frightened so I decided to comfort her. Reaching down, I grabbed a hold of her hand before intertwining our fingers.

Yona then bent forward, patting her knees with her other hand. Yoon stepped forward with his hand raised, "Yona-"

He was cut off as the ground beneath us appeared to of vanished and we all fell down into the immense darkness of the hole. Yona and I kept our hands clasped around each other the entire way down.

1318 words

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