Chapter 29

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"Miso hotpot, huh? Looks good." Hak complimented Yoon on his cooking as he stirred the food in a pot that I haven't seen before. "Where did you get the ingredients?" Hak asked curiously. "I traded them for medicine in the Blue Dragon's village." Yoon explained with a smile as he handed Yona a bowl. "I got this pot, too." Well that makes sense now. I tilted my head as a sudden question invaded my head as I glanced up at Yoon curiously. "When did you have the time to do this?" Yoon wasn't able to answer as Yona began to speak. "Yoon, there's a problem. There's a bug inside the pot." Ki-Ja and I flinched at the word 'bug' and immediately began shaking out of fear. "Scoop it out." Yoon suggested.

Yona glanced at the small washing line that we had hung up for the Blue Dragon;s drenched clothes. "The Blue Dragon's clothes still aren't dry." she mumbled absentmindedly. Yoon nodded along "Yeah." he agreed before looking over to where the Blue Dragon was situated. "Still..." I glanced over to see the Blue Dragon basically wrapped completely in his fur head piece, only his feet, hands and head visible. I snickered into my palm at the sight, it was just so utterly adorable. "What kind of monster is that?" Hak muttered as Yoon sweat-dropped "This group just keeps getting weirder." Ki-Ja suddenly stood up with a defiant look on his face "Don't say that! It's my fault that happened to the Blue Dragon. It must be very humiliating!"

I stared at the Blue Dragon, noticing just how innocent he looked as he sat there holding out his bowl for someone to pour some food into. I smiled softly towards him, his eye catching my own and causing a small blush to spread across my cheeks as well as his own. I scooped some of the stew into my bowl before walking over to the Blue Dragon and pouring some into his. Ao immediately dug in, picking up a piece and throwing it down the hatch. "Blue Dragon, you'd better hurry up. Ao's eating everything." Yoon deadpanned as he stared at the little squirrel that had her cheeks stuffed with food.

The Blue Dragon picked up the spoon that lay in the bowl. He scooped some of the food onto the spoon and stared at it curiously for a moment before placing it into his mouth. "How does it taste?" I questioned, wanting to know if he liked it. He immediately began to dig in to his food, taking spoonful after spoonful before stopping with a blissful expression causing my blush to deepen. "It's good, isn't it?" Yoon asked excitedly. She then turned to Yoon with a cheerful smile "Isn't that great, Yoon?" Yoon huffed and pouted, "Yeah, yeah."

I chuckled at Yoon's antic's before feeling a small nudge against my cheek. I turned only to see the Blue Dragon holding out his spoon just in front of my mouth. I narrowed my eyes, not quite understanding what he wanted me to do with it. It then registered in my mind that he wanted to feed me, seemingly noticing that I hadn't yet eaten anything. My cheeks reddened even more so than before and I shyly opened my mouth as he placed the spoon inside and I swallowed the food, humming in delight at the amazing taste. A smile twitched at the Blue Dragon's lips as he watched my expression and I smiled back, appreciating his concern.

It then clicked that he must've been very cold with only the fur piece covering him. I stood up and gestured to my coat "Do you want to borrow my coat? I know it must be quite chilly without your clothes on." The Blue dragon was shocked at my kind gesture, his mouth popping open before he regained his composure. "Th-Thank you, Amaya." If my cheeks were red before, now they were crimson. I fell to the fall with my hands covering my face trying not to squeal. He said my name! Why has that made me feel this way? Ahhh! I can't stop blushing!

Everyone chuckled at my antic's, making me feel even more embarrassed by the situation. I felt someone kneel down next to me and glanced up to see Yona with a sly smirk dawning her features causing me to feel uneasy. She leaned in close so she could whisper into my ear, "You two are absolutely adorable, you know? I think that you are perfect for each other." I flinched and swatted her away, causing her to laugh hysterically and for me to pout considerably.

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