Chapter 9

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Heang-dea was successfully able to buy the medicine and bring it back in time, before Tae-yeon's condition got too critical. "Tae-yeon, are you all right?" Yona asked him as he drank the medicine quietly. A few of us were sitting next to him in order to make sure everything was now okay. Tae-woo looked at Heang-dea, "That was inhumanly fast, Heang-dea." he praised. "Leave it to Heang-dea..." blondie mumbled into the ground, seeing as he was currently slumped on the floor from exhaustion. I looked away from them when Yona started speaking again. "Are you in pain? Is there anything you need?" She asked softly. Tae-yeon looked up at her with a beautiful smile, "Thank you. I'm fine." he reassured.

All of us in the room felt a pull at our heartstrings from his adorable face. I don't think I could honestly handle another one of those smiles. Yona, Tae-woo and I launched ourselves at Tae-yeon "What an adorable creature!" we snuggled our faces into him. I heard someone stand up and looked up to see Tae-woo. "Okay, I'm going to check on the merchants." he paused before speaking again, "I'll go bury this corpse in the backyard while I'm at it." He referred to Heang-dea as he dragged his body out of the room. "But I'm alive..." I saw the look on Yona's face and instantly knew what she wanted to do. I nudged her gently, causing her to glance at me. "Let's go Yona-chan." she nodded and stood up with me.

We quickly caught up to them, silently following them from a distance. "Move, move." The lady from before accidentally bumped into both of us. It's hardly her fault, seeing as she couldn't see anything with all of the blankets she was carrying. "Oh, Rina, Lena..." "Ma'am?" The lady looked quite pleased with what we had called her, "Oh, my. Did you just call me "ma'am?" She then stepped towards us. "Perfect timing... Take these." Yona and I held our arms out as she placed some of the blankets in them. "Really, those Fire Tribe men are out of control." Okay, now I'm extremely curious but also very worried. "It's full of injured people inside." We followed her into the building, but quickly halted once we saw what was in there.

At least a dozen, maybe more, people were covered in bandages. Some had blood seeping through at a rapid rate. I couldn't believe my eyes, how could anyone do this to such innocent people? Someone suddenly bumped into Yona as they were walking backwards "Whoops." I looked up to see Heang-dea quickly turning towards us. "Sorry, Rina... I'm a little unsteady." Heang-dea must of noticed how spaced out the both of us were seeing as we barely acknowledged him. "Rina? Lena?" I felt something cold trickle down my cheek, I quickly brought my hand to my face and when I pulled it away I saw tears. I haven't cried in quite a while now. I didn't even know it was still possible to be perfectly honest. I glanced at Yona to see her own eyes filling up with tears.

"It's all right!" Heang-dea was suddenly in front of us and in our faces causing us to snap out of our shock. "We'll be fine with the young lord and the elder around. Despite how they seem, they look out for their family." Yona and I glanced at each other "Family..." Heang-dea lent towards us with his carefree smile. "Yeah! Everyone in the Wind Tribe is family. So you two are a part of our family now, too." Tears quickly gathered in our eyes once more. "Huh?" Heang-dea obviously didn't expect us to start crying. We both brought our hands to cover our faces while we cried. "Ah..." Tae-woo then walked over at that moment. "Aww... You made them cry, Heang-dea." he teased. Heang-dea began panicking "Lord Hak's gonna kill me!"

I quickly wiped my tears away before reaching my hand out for Yona's, silently encouraging her to do the same. She did so before looking at me with a soft smile. We both looked at the boys with a smile to show that we were okay. Something then caught their attention, "Rina, are you all right?" I looked at her to see her with her eyes closed and her head tilted downwards. I knew what she was doing, she didn't want any of these innocent people to be involved in this mess. She opened her eyes and had a determined expression in her face before looking over at me. I nodded my head at her slightly as she then did the same. We're ready to do what it takes.

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