Chapter 42

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Everyone stared at Yona in shock. None of them quite yet believing what she had just said. I, myself, was one of them. I may of see it coming, but that certainly didn't mean that I wanted it to happen whatsoever.

Jae-Ha took a small step towards Yona, is arms raising themselves in the air slightly. "Yona..."

I could feel Hak tense up beside me. Glancing down I could see his fists clenched, the knuckles almost turning completely white from the amount of force.

"Isn't our priority saving the women over defeating Kumji? We must find the ship they're on quickly, and take them to a safe place." Yona added. "To do that, I'll sneak onto the ship and tell you where they are."

"Wait." Yona stopped as Hak came up beside her, it was evident by his narrowed eyes that he wasn't happy with the whole situation. "I wouldn't recommend that." he disagreed.

"He's right. It's too dangerous." Ki-Ja advised, staring adamantly into Yona's eyes. "You can't enter Kumji and his official's stronghold."

"I'm against it, too." Yoon stated.

Yona turn to face him, disappointed that he hadn't chosen to be on her side. "Yoon..."

"Launching fireworks would involve carrying gunpowder past the guards to sneak onto the ship's deck!" Yoon lent forward, his eyes narrowed into a glare. "If they find you, they'll kill you! there's no way!"

Hak tilted his head to the side. "Besides, it will be difficult to signal us with fireworks small enough for you to carry on board." He sighed, closing his eyes as he tilted his chin downward. "We'll probably be fighting, too."

Yona turned around to look at Shin-Ah, who had been attempting to hide himself behind me for almost the entire conversation. "But Shin-Ah should be able to notice my signal from far away." She pointed out.

After a moment of hesitation, Shin-Ah allowed himself to nod. It was obvious that he would do anything for Yona, and I adored that, for I would as well.

"Yeah, but-" Yoon attempted to protest but Yona cut him off as she turned back around.

"We don't have time to search every ship. If the women reach the Kai Empire while we fight, it will be too late. I'm the only one who can sneak on with the women to secure their safety, right?"

I coughed into the palm of my hand, nudging Yona in the ribs. As she glance at me, she appeared to remember something quite vital. "Oh! Amaya will be with me, I'll be perfectly safe with her there." My head bobbed up and down as I smirked albeit quite smugly.

Yona then turned once more, this time she was facing the captain again. "Captain Gigan, let me fight with you!" She exclaimed, determination burning within her violet eyes. It often surprised me just how far she had come from the once frightened, and stubborn girl that she used to be. The young girl in front of me, was brave. She was a fighter and I would be damned if I didn't let her get stronger. She deserves to feel confident in herself. For she is the rightful heir to the throne, and needs to be able to look after herself in such a situation.

The Captain, although quite shocked, chuckled into her shoulder with a smirk on her face. "If you succeed, we will indeed be able to rescue the women."

"Captain..." Jae-Ha uttered.

"But you can't go alone." The Captain quickly continued as she noticed that I was about to pounce. I despised when people didn't believe in my ability to protect my own sister. "Your sister may be more than capable to look after the two of you, but we must send at least one other if we are to succeed."

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